On Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 11:56 PM, Chao Sun <sunc...@uber.com> wrote:

> > Sure, but increasing the number of consumers can increase the throughput
> (without increasing the number of Kudu tablet servers).
> I see. Make sense. I'll test that later.
> > Currently, if you run 'top' on the TS nodes, do you see them using a
> high amount of CPU? Similar question for 'iostat -dxm 1' - high IO
> utilization? My guess is that at 15k/sec you are hardly utilizing the
> nodes, and you're mostly bound by round trip latencies, etc.
> From the top and iostat commands, the TS nodes seem pretty under-utilized.
> CPU usage is less than 10%.
> > In manual flush mode, it's up to you to determine how big your batches
> are. It will buffer until you call 'Flush()'. So you could wait until
> you've accumulated way more than 1000 to flush.
> Got it. I meant the default buffer size is 1000 - found out that I need to
> bump this up in order to bypass "buffer is too big" error.
> > In your AUTO_FLUSH test, were you still calling Flush()?
> Yes.

OK,  in that case, the "Flush()" call is still a synchronous flush. So you
may want to only call Flush() infrequently.

> > Given this, are you hash-partitioning on just the UUID portion of the
> PK? ie if your PK is (uuid, timestamp), you could hash-partitition on the
> UUID. This should ensure that you get pretty good batching of the writes.
> Yes, I only hash-partitioned on the UUID portion.

Sounds good.

BTW, you can try a quick load test using the 'kudu perf loadgen' tool.  For
example something like:

kudu perf loadgen my-kudu-master.example.com --num-threads=8
--num-rows-per-thread=1000000 --table-num-buckets=32

There are also a bunch of options to tune buffer sizes, flush options, etc.
But with the default settings above on an 8-node cluster I have, I was able
to insert 8M rows in 44 seconds (180k/sec).

Adding --buffer-size-bytes=10000000 almost doubled the above throughput
(330k rows/sec)


> On Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 11:25 PM, Todd Lipcon <t...@cloudera.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 11:14 PM, Chao Sun <sunc...@uber.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks Zhen and Todd.
>>> Yes increasing the # of consumers will definitely help, but we also want
>>> to test the best throughput we can get from Kudu.
>> Sure, but increasing the number of consumers can increase the throughput
>> (without increasing the number of Kudu tablet servers).
>> Currently, if you run 'top' on the TS nodes, do you see them using a high
>> amount of CPU? Similar question for 'iostat -dxm 1' - high IO utilization?
>> My guess is that at 15k/sec you are hardly utilizing the nodes, and you're
>> mostly bound by round trip latencies, etc.
>>> I think the default batch size is 1000 rows?
>> In manual flush mode, it's up to you to determine how big your batches
>> are. It will buffer until you call 'Flush()'. So you could wait until
>> you've accumulated way more than 1000 to flush.
>>> I tested with a few different options between 1000 and 200000, but
>>> always got some number between 15K to 20K per sec. Also tried flush
>>> background mode and 32 hash partitions but results are similar.
>> In your AUTO_FLUSH test, were you still calling Flush()?
>>> The primary key is UUID + some string column though - they always come
>>> in batches, e.g., 300 rows for uuid1 followed by 400 rows for uuid2, etc.
>> Given this, are you hash-partitioning on just the UUID portion of the PK?
>> ie if your PK is (uuid, timestamp), you could hash-partitition on the UUID.
>> This should ensure that you get pretty good batching of the writes.
>> Todd
>>> On Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 6:25 PM, Todd Lipcon <t...@cloudera.com> wrote:
>>>> In addition to what Zhen suggests, I'm also curious how you are sizing
>>>> your batches in manual-flush mode? With 128 hash partitions, each batch is
>>>> generating 128 RPCs, so if for example you are only batching 1000 rows at a
>>>> time, you'll end up with a lot of fixed overhead in each RPC to insert just
>>>> 1000/128 = ~8 rows.
>>>> Generally I would expect an 8 node cluster (even with HDDs) to be able
>>>> to sustain several hundred thousand rows/second insert rate. Of course, it
>>>> depends on the size of the rows and also the primary key you've chosen. If
>>>> your primary key is generally increasing (such as the kafka sequence
>>>> number) then you should have very little compaction and good performance.
>>>> -Todd
>>>> On Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 6:20 PM, Zhen Zhang <zhqu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Maybe you can add your consumer number? In my opinion, more threads to
>>>>> insert can give a better throughput.
>>>>> 2017-10-31 15:07 GMT+08:00 Chao Sun <sunc...@uber.com>:
>>>>>> OK. Thanks! I changed to manual flush mode and it increased to ~15K /
>>>>>> sec. :)
>>>>>> Is there any other tuning I can do to further improve this? and also,
>>>>>> how much would
>>>>>> SSD help in this case (only upsert)?
>>>>>> Thanks again,
>>>>>> Chao
>>>>>> On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 11:42 PM, Todd Lipcon <t...@cloudera.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> If you want to manage batching yourself you can use the manual flush
>>>>>>> mode. Easiest would be the auto flush background mode.
>>>>>>> Todd
>>>>>>> On Oct 30, 2017 11:10 PM, "Chao Sun" <sunc...@uber.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Todd,
>>>>>>>> Thanks for the reply! I used a single Kafka consumer to pull the
>>>>>>>> data.
>>>>>>>> For Kudu, I was doing something very simple that basically just
>>>>>>>> follow the example here
>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/cloudera/kudu-examples/blob/master/java/java-sample/src/main/java/org/kududb/examples/sample/Sample.java>
>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>> In specific:
>>>>>>>> loop {
>>>>>>>>   Insert insert = kuduTable.newInsert();
>>>>>>>>   PartialRow row = insert.getRow();
>>>>>>>>   // fill the columns
>>>>>>>>   kuduSession.apply(insert)
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> I didn't specify the flushing mode, so it will pick up the
>>>>>>>> AUTO_FLUSH_SYNC as default?
>>>>>>>> should I use MANUAL_FLUSH?
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Chao
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 10:39 PM, Todd Lipcon <t...@cloudera.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hey Chao,
>>>>>>>>> Nice to hear you are checking out Kudu.
>>>>>>>>> What are you using to consume from Kafka and write to Kudu? Is it
>>>>>>>>> possible that it is Java code and you are using the SYNC flush mode? 
>>>>>>>>> That
>>>>>>>>> would result in a separate round trip for each record and thus very 
>>>>>>>>> low
>>>>>>>>> throughput.
>>>>>>>>> Todd
>>>>>>>>> On Oct 30, 2017 10:23 PM, "Chao Sun" <sunc...@uber.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> We are evaluating Kudu (version kudu 1.3.0-cdh5.11.1, revision
>>>>>>>>> af02f3ea6d9a1807dcac0ec75bfbca79a01a5cab) on a 8-node cluster.
>>>>>>>>> The data are coming from Kafka at a rate of around 30K / sec, and
>>>>>>>>> hash partitioned into 128 buckets. However, with default settings, 
>>>>>>>>> Kudu can
>>>>>>>>> only consume the topics at a rate of around 1.5K / second. This is a 
>>>>>>>>> direct
>>>>>>>>> ingest with no transformation on the data.
>>>>>>>>> Could this because I was using the default configurations? also we
>>>>>>>>> are using Kudu on HDD - could that also be related?
>>>>>>>>> Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>> Chao
>>>> --
>>>> Todd Lipcon
>>>> Software Engineer, Cloudera
>> --
>> Todd Lipcon
>> Software Engineer, Cloudera

Todd Lipcon
Software Engineer, Cloudera

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