Can you please post your code and explain the problem you're seeing?

On Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 11:00 PM, <> wrote:

> Hi,
>  I have a MapReduce program that uses KuduTableInputFormat to read
> data from a kudu table and write it to another kudu
> table. I read from some tables, it get all the data, but some
> tables can only get a small part of the data.
> I found some rules through the test:
> 1. Questionable tables are created a few months ago, no
> problem table are new
> 2. The problem table Through Imapla-shell can get all the data
> 3. Some of the data in the table is exported to a new table,
> can find out all the data
> 4. By kudu cluster ksck, all the tables are normal
>    I want to know what caused this problem can help me?
> ------------------------------

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