
You said 112 hash bucket, but the amount of data is one day the increment of 
about 100 million, to about two years of data, the total data volume of about 7 
100 million, so query speed too slow. There is an asynchronous insert is always 
lost data, synchronous insertion is no problem, the log has not been reported 
to the wrong.


Hi, in particular you may have too many hash buckets.  Try creating the
table with more like 112 hash buckets, and see if insert performance

- Dan

On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 10:19 AM, Dan Burkert <d...@cloudera.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 10:14 AM, Misty Stanley-Jones <
> mstanleyjo...@cloudera.com> wrote:
>> This is one of our most frequently asked questions. Make sure that your
>> table is created with a schema that will spread the data evenly among
>> tablets and make sure that you have a number of tablets that is a multiple
>> of the number of tablet servers. See
>> http://getkudu.io/docs/schema_design.html and
>> http://getkudu.io/docs/kudu_impala_integration.html#kudu_impala_create_table
>> .
>> Thanks,
>> Misty
>> On Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 11:38 PM, 李书明 <18769721...@163.com> wrote:
>>> HI
>>> 14 nodes with API Java insertion speed is only 3000 per second, how to
>>> improve the insertion rate?
>>> Create table use DISTRIBUTE BY HASH (id) INTO 5000 BUCKETS, error is 
>>> “kuduRpc
method=IsCreateTableDone timeout=10000”,How to solve
>>> thanks!

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