There is a document introducing run Kylin on MapR. HBase is the mandatory

2016-09-13 14:43 GMT+08:00 Something Something <>:

> One of my clients uses MarR distribution & they don't use HBase. We tried
> using Kylin with MapR tables & it didn't work.
> We could write & contribute but here's my question:
> It appears, the HBase key is this:
> <dim1>+<dim2>+....+<dimN>  =>  values of measures for this combination,
> correct?
> Which means every query (except when all DIMs are grouped) would require
> scan, correct?
> How does Kylin do the HBase key lookup? I mean, if query requires grouping
> by only 2 DIMs, <dim1> & <dimN>, how is 'lookup' & 'scanning' handled?
> On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 6:28 PM, ShaoFeng Shi <>
> wrote:
>> Cassandra isn't supported, as we don't see stronge need for that; if you
>> have the case, please share the scenario, thanks!
>> Besides, we welcome contribution from the community, if you have the
>> willing to implement this, please also let us know.

With Warm regards

Yiming Liu (刘一鸣)

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