
We have deployed Kylin on ec2 machine using an EMR cluster. After adding the "hbase.zookeeper.quorum" property to kylin_job_conf.xml, we have succesfully build sample cube. However, kylin data is stored on hdfs path /kylin. Due to the HDFS is ephemeral storage on EMR and it will be erased if you Terminate the cluster (e.g. to save costs of use, to change the kind of instances,...), we have to store data on S3.

With this aim we changed 'kylin.env.hdfs-working-dir' property to s3, like s3://your-bucket/kylin. But after this change if we try to build sample cube, the build job starts but it gets stuck in step 2 "Redistribute Flat Hive Table". We have checked that this step never start and kylin logs do not show any error or warn.

Do you have any idea how to solve this and make possible that Kylin works with S3?

So far the only solution we have found is to copy the HDFS folder to S3 before terminate the EMR cluster and copy it from S3 to HDFS when it is turned on. However this is a half solution, since the HDFS storage of EMR is ephemeral and we do not have as much space available as in S3. Which data stores kylin on kylin path? HBase tables are stored in this folder?

We will appreciate you help,



*Roberto Tardío Olmos*

/Senior Big Data & Business Intelligence Consultant/
Avenida de Brasil, 17, Planta 16.28020 Madrid
Fijo: 91.788.34.10

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