Kylin 3062 <> v2.3 Propose
to disable RAW from UI

Nowadays you cant control the execution (or not) to create Flat Tables,
there is a propuse Kylin 2532

On 1 March 2018 at 08:30, BELLIER Jean-luc <>

> Hello Alberto,
> Thank you for your answer. I will look further for this mistake on the
> cube building.
> Concerning the RAW measure, are you referring to this discussion  ?
> I still can see this option on measures section on Kylin 2.2, that is why
> it kept my attention.
> Does it mean that to access raw data, we need to first use an aggregated
> measure ? My final users mainly use raw data (e.g. slicing), so I want to
> be sure on that.
> What about building cubes using only a table of facts with all the data
> inside ? Is it a conceivable way of doing (in terms of space storage,
> efficiency) or is it preferable to use separate tables foe dimensions and
> why ?
> Thank you in advance for your help.
> Have a good day.
> Best regards,
> Jean-Luc.
> *De :* Alberto Ramón []
> *Envoyé :* mercredi 28 février 2018 19:04
> *À :* user <>
> *Objet :* Re: Questions about 'RAW' measure
> Hello
> - RAW format are deprecated. You will find the thread in this MailList
> - "Job hasn't been submitted after" sound a configuration problem with
> your YARN, please find it on Google and review your CPU and RAM resources
> On 28 February 2018 at 16:44, BELLIER Jean-luc <
>> wrote:
> Hello
> I discovered that there wsas a RAW measure to get raw data instead of
> aggregated data (
> kylin/)
> My assumption is that these raw data are stored in HBase, as aggregated
> data are, i.e. these data are duplicated from Hive into HBase.
> So my question is : are there limitations on the data volume ? My fact
> tables contain billions of rows and we need to get detailed information
> from them. So what are the restrictions, and also the benefits related to
> querying directly the data into Hive ?
> I have another question : I tested the way to create a model directly from
> a  facts table containing raw data, in order to make a test of feasibility
> and avoid transformations (the table is a CSV file provided by an external
> team). I wanted in a first step to avoid creating files for the
> corresponding dimensions a generate a “clean” facts table having foreign
> keys corresponding to  the primary keys of dimension tables.
> The creation of the model was OK.
> However the cube generation failed at first step, and I got this message :
> INFO  : Query ID = hive_20180228120101_6990f9d4-
> 182d-4dd9-b319-fce02caf75ef
> INFO  : Total jobs = 3
> INFO  : Launching Job 1 out of 3
> INFO  : Starting task [Stage-1:MAPRED] in serial mode
> INFO  : In order to change the average load for a reducer (in bytes):
> INFO  :   set hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer=<number>
> INFO  : In order to limit the maximum number of reducers:
> INFO  :   set hive.exec.reducers.max=<number>
> INFO  : In order to set a constant number of reducers:
> INFO  :   set mapreduce.job.reduces=<number>
> INFO  : Starting Spark Job = 3556ecc6-2609-4085-bcca-b1b81fa9855c
> ERROR : Job hasn't been submitted after 61s. Aborting it.
> How could I process to avoid this. Are there kylin parameters (or other)
> to adjust ?
> Thank you in advance for your help. Have a good day.
> Best regards,
> Jean-Luc
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