Hi,Na Zhai

   The encoding of the 'operator' field is Dict, which type should be used?

发件人: Na Zhai
发送时间: 2018-10-16 19:32
收件人: user@kylin.apache.org
主题: 答复: Re:答复: Re:答复: 【kylin2.5.0】中文查询结果问题
What is the encoding of the ‘operator‘ field? Dict or fixed_length or others?
发送自 Windows 10 版邮件应用

发件人: 郭锋 <guof...@bcpeople.com>
发送时间: Tuesday, October 16, 2018 3:56:28 PM
收件人: user
主题: Re:答复: Re:答复: 【kylin2.5.0】中文查询结果问题 
     yes, we use the apache-kylin-2.5.0-bin-cdh60.tar.gz version on cdh6.0.0 
     the before three select clause log as follows:

2018-10-16 15:49:59,532 INFO  [http-nio-7070-exec-18] service.QueryService:350 
: Check query permission in 0 ms.
2018-10-16 15:49:59,533 DEBUG [Query 
23edaa0f-428f-36ef-4aac-fccb32c6652f-72407] util.CheckUtil:35 : query cache 
disabled in KylinConfig
2018-10-16 15:49:59,533 INFO  [Query 
23edaa0f-428f-36ef-4aac-fccb32c6652f-72407] service.QueryService:386 : Using 
project: BI
2018-10-16 15:49:59,534 INFO  [Query 
23edaa0f-428f-36ef-4aac-fccb32c6652f-72407] service.QueryService:387 : The 
original query:  select
from app_bi_user
where operator = '中国电信'
group by  operator;
2018-10-16 15:49:59,536 INFO  [Query 
23edaa0f-428f-36ef-4aac-fccb32c6652f-72407] service.QueryService:563 : The 
corrected query: select
from app_bi_user
where operator = '中国电信'
group by  operator
LIMIT 50000
2018-10-16 15:49:59,543 INFO  [Query 
23edaa0f-428f-36ef-4aac-fccb32c6652f-72407] routing.QueryRouter:58 : Find 
candidates by table APP.APP_BI_USER and project=BI : CUBE[name=BI_user]
2018-10-16 15:49:59,543 INFO  [Query 
23edaa0f-428f-36ef-4aac-fccb32c6652f-72407] routing.QueryRouter:51 : Applying 
rule: class 
realizations before: [CUBE[name=BI_user]], realizations after: 
2018-10-16 15:49:59,544 INFO  [Query 
23edaa0f-428f-36ef-4aac-fccb32c6652f-72407] routing.QueryRouter:51 : Applying 
rule: class 
realizations before: [CUBE[name=BI_user]], realizations after: 
2018-10-16 15:49:59,544 INFO  [Query 
23edaa0f-428f-36ef-4aac-fccb32c6652f-72407] rules.RealizationSortRule:40 : 
CUBE[name=BI_user] priority 1 cost 162. 
2018-10-16 15:49:59,544 INFO  [Query 
23edaa0f-428f-36ef-4aac-fccb32c6652f-72407] routing.QueryRouter:51 : Applying 
rule: class org.apache.kylin.query.routing.rules.RealizationSortRule, 
realizations before: [CUBE[name=BI_user]], realizations after: 
2018-10-16 15:49:59,544 INFO  [Query 
23edaa0f-428f-36ef-4aac-fccb32c6652f-72407] routing.QueryRouter:75 : The 
realizations remaining: [CUBE[name=BI_user]],and the final chosen one for 
current olap context 0 is CUBE[name=BI_user]
2018-10-16 15:49:59,589 DEBUG [Query 
23edaa0f-428f-36ef-4aac-fccb32c6652f-72407] enumerator.OLAPEnumerator:105 : 
query storage...
2018-10-16 15:49:59,589 DEBUG [Query 
23edaa0f-428f-36ef-4aac-fccb32c6652f-72407] gtrecord.GTCubeStorageQueryBase:333 
: Need storage aggregation
2018-10-16 15:49:59,590 INFO  [Query 
23edaa0f-428f-36ef-4aac-fccb32c6652f-72407] gtrecord.GTCubeStorageQueryBase:566 
: exactAggregation is false because need storage aggregation
2018-10-16 15:49:59,590 INFO  [Query 
23edaa0f-428f-36ef-4aac-fccb32c6652f-72407] gtrecord.GTCubeStorageQueryBase:311 
: Filter column set for query: [APP.APP_BI_USER.OPERATOR]
2018-10-16 15:49:59,590 INFO  [Query 
23edaa0f-428f-36ef-4aac-fccb32c6652f-72407] gtrecord.GTCubeStorageQueryBase:320 
: Filter mask is: 1
2018-10-16 15:49:59,590 DEBUG [Query 
23edaa0f-428f-36ef-4aac-fccb32c6652f-72407] gtrecord.GTCubeStorageQueryBase:435 
: storageLimitLevel set to LIMIT_ON_RETURN_SIZE because groupD is not clustered 
at head, groupsD: [APP.APP_BI_USER.OPERATOR] with cuboid columns: 
2018-10-16 15:49:59,591 INFO  [Query 
23edaa0f-428f-36ef-4aac-fccb32c6652f-72407] storage.StorageContext:167 : 
Enabling limit push down: 50000 at level: LIMIT_ON_RETURN_SIZE
2018-10-16 15:49:59,591 INFO  [Query 
23edaa0f-428f-36ef-4aac-fccb32c6652f-72407] gtrecord.GTCubeStorageQueryBase:191 
: Cuboid identified: cube=BI_user, cuboidId=1025, 
limitPushdown=50000, limitLevel=LIMIT_ON_RETURN_SIZE, storageAggr=true
2018-10-16 15:49:59,591 DEBUG [Query 
23edaa0f-428f-36ef-4aac-fccb32c6652f-72407] common.SegmentPruner:89 : Prune 
segment BI_user[FULL_BUILD] due to given filter
2018-10-16 15:49:59,591 DEBUG [Query 
23edaa0f-428f-36ef-4aac-fccb32c6652f-72407] enumerator.OLAPEnumerator:117 : 
return TupleIterator...
2018-10-16 15:49:59,592 INFO  [Query 
23edaa0f-428f-36ef-4aac-fccb32c6652f-72407] service.QueryService:1050 : 
Processed rows for each storageContext: 0 
2018-10-16 15:49:59,592 INFO  [Query 
23edaa0f-428f-36ef-4aac-fccb32c6652f-72407] service.QueryService:455 : Stats of 
SQL response: isException: false, duration: 59, total scan count 0
2018-10-16 15:49:59,592 DEBUG [Query 
23edaa0f-428f-36ef-4aac-fccb32c6652f-72407] util.CheckUtil:35 : query cache is 
2018-10-16 15:49:59,593 INFO  [Query 
23edaa0f-428f-36ef-4aac-fccb32c6652f-72407] service.QueryService:344 : 
Query Id: 23edaa0f-428f-36ef-4aac-fccb32c6652f
SQL: select
from app_bi_user
where operator = '中国电信'
group by  operator;
Success: true
Duration: 0.06
Project: BI
Realization Names: [CUBE[name=BI_user]]
Cuboid Ids: [1025]
Total scan count: 0
Total scan bytes: 0
Result row count: 0
Accept Partial: true
Is Partial Result: false
Hit Exception Cache: false
Storage cache used: false
Is Query Push-Down: false
Is Prepare: false
Trace URL: null
Message: null

2018-10-16 15:50:03,911 INFO  [http-nio-7070-exec-13] service.QueryService:350 
: Check query permission in 0 ms.
2018-10-16 15:50:03,911 DEBUG [Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd-50477] util.CheckUtil:35 : query cache 
disabled in KylinConfig
2018-10-16 15:50:03,912 INFO  [Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd-50477] service.QueryService:386 : Using 
project: BI
2018-10-16 15:50:03,912 INFO  [Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd-50477] service.QueryService:387 : The 
original query:  select
from app_bi_user
where operator != '中国电信'
group by  operator;
2018-10-16 15:50:03,914 INFO  [Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd-50477] service.QueryService:563 : The 
corrected query: select
from app_bi_user
where operator <> '中国电信'
group by  operator
LIMIT 50000
2018-10-16 15:50:03,920 INFO  [Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd-50477] routing.QueryRouter:58 : Find 
candidates by table APP.APP_BI_USER and project=BI : CUBE[name=BI_user]
2018-10-16 15:50:03,920 INFO  [Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd-50477] routing.QueryRouter:51 : Applying 
rule: class 
realizations before: [CUBE[name=BI_user]], realizations after: 
2018-10-16 15:50:03,920 INFO  [Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd-50477] routing.QueryRouter:51 : Applying 
rule: class 
realizations before: [CUBE[name=BI_user]], realizations after: 
2018-10-16 15:50:03,921 INFO  [Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd-50477] rules.RealizationSortRule:40 : 
CUBE[name=BI_user] priority 1 cost 162. 
2018-10-16 15:50:03,921 INFO  [Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd-50477] routing.QueryRouter:51 : Applying 
rule: class org.apache.kylin.query.routing.rules.RealizationSortRule, 
realizations before: [CUBE[name=BI_user]], realizations after: 
2018-10-16 15:50:03,921 INFO  [Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd-50477] routing.QueryRouter:75 : The 
realizations remaining: [CUBE[name=BI_user]],and the final chosen one for 
current olap context 0 is CUBE[name=BI_user]
2018-10-16 15:50:03,949 DEBUG [Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd-50477] enumerator.OLAPEnumerator:105 : 
query storage...
2018-10-16 15:50:03,949 DEBUG [Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd-50477] gtrecord.GTCubeStorageQueryBase:333 
: Need storage aggregation
2018-10-16 15:50:03,949 INFO  [Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd-50477] gtrecord.GTCubeStorageQueryBase:566 
: exactAggregation is false because need storage aggregation
2018-10-16 15:50:03,950 INFO  [Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd-50477] gtrecord.GTCubeStorageQueryBase:311 
: Filter column set for query: [APP.APP_BI_USER.OPERATOR]
2018-10-16 15:50:03,950 INFO  [Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd-50477] gtrecord.GTCubeStorageQueryBase:320 
: Filter mask is: 1
2018-10-16 15:50:03,950 DEBUG [Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd-50477] gtrecord.GTCubeStorageQueryBase:435 
: storageLimitLevel set to LIMIT_ON_RETURN_SIZE because groupD is not clustered 
at head, groupsD: [APP.APP_BI_USER.OPERATOR] with cuboid columns: 
2018-10-16 15:50:03,951 INFO  [Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd-50477] storage.StorageContext:167 : 
Enabling limit push down: 50000 at level: LIMIT_ON_RETURN_SIZE
2018-10-16 15:50:03,951 INFO  [Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd-50477] gtrecord.GTCubeStorageQueryBase:191 
: Cuboid identified: cube=BI_user, cuboidId=1025, 
limitPushdown=50000, limitLevel=LIMIT_ON_RETURN_SIZE, storageAggr=true
2018-10-16 15:50:03,951 DEBUG [Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd-50477] common.SegmentPruner:94 : Pruner 
passed on segment BI_user[FULL_BUILD]
2018-10-16 15:50:03,951 INFO  [Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd-50477] gtrecord.CubeSegmentScanner:61 : 
Init CubeSegmentScanner for segment FULL_BUILD
2018-10-16 15:50:03,953 DEBUG [Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd-50477] v2.CubeHBaseRPC:315 : 
hbase.rpc.timeout = 60000 ms, use 54000 ms as timeout for coprocessor
2018-10-16 15:50:03,954 INFO  [Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd-50477] v2.CubeHBaseEndpointRPC:141 : 
Serialized scanRequestBytes 523 bytes, rawScanBytesString 44 bytes
2018-10-16 15:50:03,954 INFO  [Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd-50477] v2.CubeHBaseEndpointRPC:143 : The 
scan 17cd05fa for segment BI_user[FULL_BUILD] is as below with 1 separate raw 
scans, shard part of start/end key is set to 0
2018-10-16 15:50:03,954 INFO  [Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd-50477] v2.CubeHBaseRPC:288 : Visiting 
hbase table KYLIN_LCGEU7PJ2E: cuboid require post aggregation, from 1 to 1025 
Start: \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04\x01\x00\x00\x00 
(\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04\x01\x00\x00\x00) Stop:  
(\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04\x01\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00), No Fuzzy Key
2018-10-16 15:50:03,955 DEBUG [Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd-50477] v2.CubeHBaseEndpointRPC:148 : 
Submitting rpc to 1 shards starting from shard 0, scan range count 1
2018-10-16 15:50:03,955 INFO  [Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd-50477] common.KylinConfig:332 : Loading 
kylin-defaults.properties from 
2018-10-16 15:50:03,964 DEBUG [Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd-50477] common.KylinConfig:291 : KYLIN_CONF 
property was not set, will seek KYLIN_HOME env variable
2018-10-16 15:50:03,965 INFO  [Query 
gtrecord.SequentialCubeTupleIterator:73 : Using SortedIteratorMergerWithLimit 
to merge segment results
2018-10-16 15:50:03,965 DEBUG [Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd-50477] enumerator.OLAPEnumerator:117 : 
return TupleIterator...
2018-10-16 15:50:03,985 INFO  [kylin-coproc--pool6-t1369] 
v2.CubeHBaseEndpointRPC:203 : <sub-thread for Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd GTScanRequest 17cd05fa>Endpoint RPC 
returned from HTable KYLIN_LCGEU7PJ2E Shard 
 on host: prod-zeus-worker06.jdfq.com.Total scanned row: 1458. Total scanned 
bytes: 61836. Total filtered row: 402. Total aggred row: 1052. Time elapsed in 
EP: 7(ms). Server CPU usage: 0.0011321913339388744, server physical mem left: 
6.8799967232E10, server swap mem left:4.2949632E9.Etc message: start latency: 
22@0,agg done@6,compress done@7,server stats done@7, 
debugGitTag:ac017f4f24534ccf44c65229e68b513bc7bd2755;.Normal Complete: 
true.Compressed row size: 26
2018-10-16 15:50:03,985 DEBUG [kylin-coproc--pool6-t1369] 
util.CompressionUtils:67 : Original: 26 bytes. Decompressed: 18 bytes. Time: 0
2018-10-16 15:50:03,985 DEBUG [Query 
gtrecord.SortMergedPartitionResultIterator:76 : Using 
SortMergedPartitionResultIterator to merge 1 partition results out of 1 
2018-10-16 15:50:03,987 INFO  [Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd-50477] service.QueryService:1050 : 
Processed rows for each storageContext: 4 
2018-10-16 15:50:03,988 INFO  [Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd-50477] service.QueryService:455 : Stats of 
SQL response: isException: false, duration: 77, total scan count 1458
2018-10-16 15:50:03,988 DEBUG [Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd-50477] util.CheckUtil:35 : query cache is 
2018-10-16 15:50:03,988 INFO  [Query 
b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd-50477] service.QueryService:344 : 
Query Id: b32876d8-8bdc-dc67-1142-4769216778cd
SQL: select
from app_bi_user
where operator != '中国电信'
group by  operator;
Success: true
Duration: 0.077
Project: BI
Realization Names: [CUBE[name=BI_user]]
Cuboid Ids: [1025]
Total scan count: 1458
Total scan bytes: 61836
Result row count: 4
Accept Partial: true
Is Partial Result: false
Hit Exception Cache: false
Storage cache used: false
Is Query Push-Down: false
Is Prepare: false
Trace URL: null
Message: null

2018-10-16 15:50:09,975 INFO  [http-nio-7070-exec-19] service.QueryService:350 
: Check query permission in 0 ms.
2018-10-16 15:50:09,975 DEBUG [Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f-72408] util.CheckUtil:35 : query cache 
disabled in KylinConfig
2018-10-16 15:50:09,976 INFO  [Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f-72408] service.QueryService:386 : Using 
project: BI
2018-10-16 15:50:09,976 INFO  [Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f-72408] service.QueryService:387 : The 
original query:  select
from app_bi_user
group by  operator;
2018-10-16 15:50:09,978 INFO  [Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f-72408] service.QueryService:563 : The 
corrected query: select
from app_bi_user
group by  operator
LIMIT 50000
2018-10-16 15:50:09,983 INFO  [Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f-72408] routing.QueryRouter:58 : Find 
candidates by table APP.APP_BI_USER and project=BI : CUBE[name=BI_user]
2018-10-16 15:50:09,983 INFO  [Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f-72408] routing.QueryRouter:51 : Applying 
rule: class 
realizations before: [CUBE[name=BI_user]], realizations after: 
2018-10-16 15:50:09,983 INFO  [Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f-72408] routing.QueryRouter:51 : Applying 
rule: class 
realizations before: [CUBE[name=BI_user]], realizations after: 
2018-10-16 15:50:09,984 INFO  [Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f-72408] rules.RealizationSortRule:40 : 
CUBE[name=BI_user] priority 1 cost 162. 
2018-10-16 15:50:09,984 INFO  [Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f-72408] routing.QueryRouter:51 : Applying 
rule: class org.apache.kylin.query.routing.rules.RealizationSortRule, 
realizations before: [CUBE[name=BI_user]], realizations after: 
2018-10-16 15:50:09,984 INFO  [Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f-72408] routing.QueryRouter:75 : The 
realizations remaining: [CUBE[name=BI_user]],and the final chosen one for 
current olap context 0 is CUBE[name=BI_user]
2018-10-16 15:50:10,028 DEBUG [Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f-72408] enumerator.OLAPEnumerator:105 : 
query storage...
2018-10-16 15:50:10,028 DEBUG [Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f-72408] gtrecord.GTCubeStorageQueryBase:333 
: Need storage aggregation
2018-10-16 15:50:10,028 INFO  [Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f-72408] gtrecord.GTCubeStorageQueryBase:566 
: exactAggregation is false because need storage aggregation
2018-10-16 15:50:10,029 INFO  [Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f-72408] gtrecord.GTCubeStorageQueryBase:311 
: Filter column set for query: []
2018-10-16 15:50:10,029 INFO  [Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f-72408] gtrecord.GTCubeStorageQueryBase:320 
: Filter mask is: 0
2018-10-16 15:50:10,029 DEBUG [Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f-72408] gtrecord.GTCubeStorageQueryBase:435 
: storageLimitLevel set to LIMIT_ON_RETURN_SIZE because groupD is not clustered 
at head, groupsD: [APP.APP_BI_USER.OPERATOR] with cuboid columns: 
2018-10-16 15:50:10,029 INFO  [Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f-72408] storage.StorageContext:167 : 
Enabling limit push down: 50000 at level: LIMIT_ON_RETURN_SIZE
2018-10-16 15:50:10,030 INFO  [Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f-72408] gtrecord.GTCubeStorageQueryBase:191 
: Cuboid identified: cube=BI_user, cuboidId=1025, 
groupsD=[APP.APP_BI_USER.OPERATOR], filterD=[], limitPushdown=50000, 
limitLevel=LIMIT_ON_RETURN_SIZE, storageAggr=true
2018-10-16 15:50:10,030 DEBUG [Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f-72408] common.SegmentPruner:94 : Pruner 
passed on segment BI_user[FULL_BUILD]
2018-10-16 15:50:10,030 INFO  [Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f-72408] gtrecord.CubeSegmentScanner:61 : 
Init CubeSegmentScanner for segment FULL_BUILD
2018-10-16 15:50:10,032 DEBUG [Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f-72408] v2.CubeHBaseRPC:315 : 
hbase.rpc.timeout = 60000 ms, use 54000 ms as timeout for coprocessor
2018-10-16 15:50:10,032 INFO  [Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f-72408] v2.CubeHBaseEndpointRPC:141 : 
Serialized scanRequestBytes 474 bytes, rawScanBytesString 44 bytes
2018-10-16 15:50:10,033 INFO  [Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f-72408] v2.CubeHBaseEndpointRPC:143 : The 
scan 5f252d05 for segment BI_user[FULL_BUILD] is as below with 1 separate raw 
scans, shard part of start/end key is set to 0
2018-10-16 15:50:10,033 INFO  [Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f-72408] v2.CubeHBaseRPC:288 : Visiting 
hbase table KYLIN_LCGEU7PJ2E: cuboid require post aggregation, from 1 to 1025 
Start: \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04\x01\x00\x00\x00 
(\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04\x01\x00\x00\x00) Stop:  
(\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04\x01\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00), No Fuzzy Key
2018-10-16 15:50:10,033 DEBUG [Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f-72408] v2.CubeHBaseEndpointRPC:148 : 
Submitting rpc to 1 shards starting from shard 0, scan range count 1
2018-10-16 15:50:10,034 INFO  [Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f-72408] common.KylinConfig:332 : Loading 
kylin-defaults.properties from 
2018-10-16 15:50:10,042 DEBUG [Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f-72408] common.KylinConfig:291 : KYLIN_CONF 
property was not set, will seek KYLIN_HOME env variable
2018-10-16 15:50:10,042 INFO  [Query 
gtrecord.SequentialCubeTupleIterator:73 : Using SortedIteratorMergerWithLimit 
to merge segment results
2018-10-16 15:50:10,043 DEBUG [Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f-72408] enumerator.OLAPEnumerator:117 : 
return TupleIterator...
2018-10-16 15:50:10,055 INFO  [kylin-coproc--pool6-t1370] 
v2.CubeHBaseEndpointRPC:203 : <sub-thread for Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f GTScanRequest 5f252d05>Endpoint RPC 
returned from HTable KYLIN_LCGEU7PJ2E Shard 
 on host: prod-zeus-worker06.jdfq.com.Total scanned row: 1458. Total scanned 
bytes: 61836. Total filtered row: 0. Total aggred row: 1453. Time elapsed in 
EP: 7(ms). Server CPU usage: 6.69361274875782E-4, server physical mem left: 
6.8800565248E10, server swap mem left:4.2949632E9.Etc message: start latency: 
15@0,agg done@6,compress done@6,server stats done@7, 
debugGitTag:ac017f4f24534ccf44c65229e68b513bc7bd2755;.Normal Complete: 
true.Compressed row size: 32
2018-10-16 15:50:10,055 DEBUG [kylin-coproc--pool6-t1370] 
util.CompressionUtils:67 : Original: 32 bytes. Decompressed: 23 bytes. Time: 0
2018-10-16 15:50:10,055 DEBUG [Query 
gtrecord.SortMergedPartitionResultIterator:76 : Using 
SortMergedPartitionResultIterator to merge 1 partition results out of 1 
2018-10-16 15:50:10,057 INFO  [Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f-72408] service.QueryService:1050 : 
Processed rows for each storageContext: 5 
2018-10-16 15:50:10,058 INFO  [Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f-72408] service.QueryService:455 : Stats of 
SQL response: isException: false, duration: 83, total scan count 1458
2018-10-16 15:50:10,058 DEBUG [Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f-72408] util.CheckUtil:35 : query cache is 
2018-10-16 15:50:10,058 INFO  [Query 
76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f-72408] service.QueryService:344 : 
Query Id: 76caaa08-bb31-f06b-d1ac-f575a983b06f
SQL: select
from app_bi_user
group by  operator;
Success: true
Duration: 0.083
Project: BI
Realization Names: [CUBE[name=BI_user]]
Cuboid Ids: [1025]
Total scan count: 1458
Total scan bytes: 61836
Result row count: 5
Accept Partial: true
Is Partial Result: false
Hit Exception Cache: false
Storage cache used: false
Is Query Push-Down: false
Is Prepare: false
Trace URL: null
Message: null

2018-10-16 15:50:12,350 INFO  [FetcherRunner 1802655599-356] 
threadpool.DefaultFetcherRunner:96 : Job Fetcher: 0 should running, 0 actual 
running, 0 stopped, 0 ready, 7911 already succeed, 0 error, 100 discarded, 0 
2018-10-16 15:50:12,415 INFO  [http-nio-7070-exec-14] common.KylinConfig:332 : 
Loading kylin-defaults.properties from 
2018-10-16 15:50:12,425 DEBUG [http-nio-7070-exec-14] common.KylinConfig:291 : 
KYLIN_CONF property was not set, will seek KYLIN_HOME env variable

------------------ Original ------------------
From:  "Na Zhai"<na.z...@kyligence.io>;
Date:  Tue, Oct 16, 2018 03:17 PM
To:  "user@kylin.apache.org"<user@kylin.apache.org>; 
Subject:  答复: Re:答复: 【kylin2.5.0】中文查询结果问题
Do you use apache-kylin-2.5.0-bin-cdh60.tar.gz? And can you provide the log 
发送自 Windows 10 版邮件应用

发件人: 郭锋 <guof...@bcpeople.com>
发送时间: Tuesday, October 16, 2018 2:41:52 PM
收件人: user
主题: Re:答复: 【kylin2.5.0】中文查询结果问题 
     The three scenarios  as follows:
       1、when i use operator='中国电信',it return 0;         2、when i use operator 
!='中国电信',it return correctly;        3、when i don't user where clause, it 
return correctly;


------------------ Original ------------------
From:  "郭锋"<guof...@bcpeople.com>;
Date:  Tue, Oct 16, 2018 11:41 AM
To:  "user"<user@kylin.apache.org>; 
Subject:  Re:答复: 【kylin2.5.0】中文查询结果问题


------------------ Original ------------------
From:  "Na Zhai"<na.z...@kyligence.io>;
Date:  Tue, Oct 16, 2018 11:16 AM
To:  "user@kylin.apache.org"<user@kylin.apache.org>; 
Subject:  答复: 【kylin2.5.0】中文查询结果问题
Hi, guofeng
the picture is not displayed, can you resend them? Does it happen accidentally?
发送自 Windows 10 版邮件应用
发件人: 郭锋
发送时间: 2018年10月15日 19:41
收件人: user
主题: 【kylin2.5.0】中文查询结果问题
hi all: 
       kylin 查询条件中包含中文,返回的查询结果有问题:
       现象:在where语句中用 “=” 返回结果为0;
                在where语句中用 “like”时,返回正确结果;
       版本信息:Kylin的版本为2.5.0 , 部署在cdh6.0.0 上

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