You may post your query related log here, there should be some query log that 
indicated whether the filter is push down or not, at least in the returned 
response stats, there's some log show how many rows are filtered in the 
coprocessor side.

At 2018-10-23 16:58:36, "Sachin Aggarwal" <> wrote:
>Hi Team,
>     Could you please confirm if filtering of rows (WHERE clause) is done
>in CoProcessor side?
>     Is there any APIs/logging to get physical plan of query? It will help
>us in optimising the cube.
>On Mon, Oct 22, 2018 at 8:58 PM Shrikant Bang <>
>> Thanks ShaoFeng for response. I will try this and will update the results
>> of my queries.
>> I would like to learn, how to identify the bottleneck in query executions.
>> Can we trace the query execution in each stage with timestamp?
>> Also is there way we can get physical plan of query? This could help me to
>> design/tune my cube/queries for better response time.
>> Regards,
>> Shrikant Bang
>> On Mon, Oct 22, 2018 at 8:01 PM ShaoFeng Shi <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Shrikant,
>>> What's the order of the dimensions in the rowkey? In this case, you need
>>> to put "d3" at the heading position of the rowkey.
>>> Here is a good reference on how to design a cube, maybe we need add that
>>> into the FAQ or as a part of document:
>>> Shrikant Bang <> 于2018年10月22日周一 下午3:51写道:
>>>> Hi Team,
>>>> We are working on benchmark test for Kylin v2.5-Hbase-1.x as part of PoC.
>>>> Here is my cube (pseudo) :
>>>> *Dimension Table* : D1
>>>> *Fact Table* : F1, F2
>>>> *Metrics* : SUM(D1.m1), SUM(D2.m2)
>>>> *Dimension Columns* -- Normal (D1.d1, D1.d2, D1.d3, F1.a1, F2.b1 )
>>>> JOIN (D1.d1 = F1.a1 AND D2.d2 = F2.b1)
>>>> When I run a query matching to the cuboids it runs very fast :
>>>> pseudo example query:
>>>> SELECT SUM(D1.m1), SUM(D2.m2), d1, d2, d3
>>>> FROM D1
>>>> JOIN F1
>>>> ON D1.d1 = F1.a1
>>>> JOIN F2
>>>> ON D1.d2 = F2.b1
>>>> GROUP BY d1, d2, d3
>>>> But when I add where clause to query it become very slow in response
>>>> pseudo example query:
>>>> SELECT SUM(D1.m1), SUM(D2.m2), d1, d2, d3
>>>> FROM D1
>>>> JOIN F1
>>>> ON D1.d1 = F1.a1
>>>> JOIN F2
>>>> ON D1.d2 = F2.b1
>>>> *WHERE d3 > 100 AND d3 < 1000*
>>>> GROUP BY d1, d2, d3
>>>> *In my case d3 is High Cardinality dimension which is part of row key (
>>>> Normal Dimension ).*
>>>> Here are question:
>>>> 1. I have installed Kylin Co-Processor
>>>> <> before
>>>> running queries. Do Kylin query results gets filtered Co-Processor end?
>>>> 2. How to find query traces to identify the bottleneck in response time?
>>>> 3. Even though I have enabled Query Cache, it seems its not getting used
>>>> when query runs ( in case of multiple times also) .
>>>> 4. Any best practises to tune the queries with WHERE clause?
>>>> Thank You,
>>>> Shrikant Bang.
>>> --
>>> Best regards,
>>> Shaofeng Shi 史少锋
>Thanks & Regards
>Sachin Aggarwal

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