Thank your repling, .but I  am sure there's only one OlapContext in the quey in 
my scenario.
From: "JiaTao Tao"<>
Date: Sat, Nov 3, 2018 10:42 AM
To: "user"<>;
Subject: Re: doubt about measure of processedRowCount

Maybe count all the valueA would be more appropriate, cuz maybe there's more 
than one OlapContext in the query ( one OlapContext correspond one 
storageContext ).

There are two good blogs about Kylin's query engine, you may take a look :).

cheney <> ??2018??11??2?????? ????11:10??????

Hi, guys   
        When I executed a sql in kylin, kylin server will log some log about 
query statics. for example, The log is as following:
       "Processed rows for each storageContext: valueA". valueA is 
       What I understand is processedRowCount is the record rows numbers 
returned by hbase. 

       Hbase corprocessor will log region stats, including:  "Total scanned 
row","Total filtered/aggred row".
        For  one region,  final records returned by hbase = Total scanned row - 
Total filtered/aggred row;
       Suppose this query need to scan 10 region in hbase, we can get every 
region stats. we can get all records  valueB returned by hbase by
       suming every final records in 10 region. 
      In general, valueA is equal to  valueB, but valueB is much larger than 
valueA in sometimes. Why?



Aron Tao

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