kylin version is 2.4.1 and kylin metadata is stored in hbase. hbase version is 

------------------ ???????? ------------------
??????: "??????"<>;
????????: 2018??12??6??(??????) ????8:09
??????: "user"<>;

????: Re: Error size statis of segment

Hi,cheney,      What`s your kylin version and kylin metadata type?

cheney <> ??2018??12??6?????? ????5:49??????

Hi, guys

      Sometimes, the size of new segment is always less than 1MB after building 
job.  In fact,  size of new htable  in hdfs is larger than 1MB. I find the 
result of  "regionLoad.getStorefileSizeMB()" always is 0. I think it is 
unreasonable calculating segment size by "regionLoad.getStorefileSizeMB()" 
method.   Is it a bug?

    1. kylin monitor show size of segment is as followings:
      2. hdfs show size of HBase Table: KYLIN_RF4S1QAHE4

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