Hi Noureddine:

       The max physical dimension number (exclude derived column in lookup 
tables) in a cube is 63; If you can normalize some dimensions to lookup tables, 
with derived dimensions, you can create a cube with more than 100 dimensions.

       But a cube with > 30 physical dimensions is not recommended; You even 
couldn’t save that in Kylin if you don’t optimize the aggregation groups. 
Please search “curse of dimensionality”.

> 在 2019年12月4日,22:41,Noureddine Dahmane <n...@solute.de> 写道:
> Hello,
> i am trying to create a cube in kylin with the following Star schema:
> - fact table: click with 32 measures
> - dimension tables:
>   - brand : 2 columns
>   - campaign: 8 columns
>   - traffic_source: 11 columns
>   - shop_source: 40 columns
>   - traffic_source: 4 columns
>   - category; 8 columns
> i tried to reduce the complexity of the cube based on the rules like 
> hierarchies, join columns and mandatory columns.
> however, none of these rules can be applied to my sql statements.
> Moreover, building a cube of 73 dimensions (all columns of the dimensions 
> tables) is not possible in KYLIN (kylin throws exception and says i should 
> use derived, hierarchies, and join columns to reduce the dimensions 
> combinations).
> is there any way can i do this or am i doing something wrong in kylin?
> thank you in advance.
> Noureddine
> --
> Noureddine Dahmane
> Software Developer
> Phone:
> Fax:    +49 721 98993-66
> E-mail: n...@solute.de
> solute GmbH
> Zeppelinstraße 15
> 76185 Karlsruhe
> Germany
> Marken der solute GmbH | brands of solute GmbH
> billiger.de | Shopping.de | ka'ching Technology | Friends Communication
> Geschäftsführer | Managing Director: Dr. Thilo Gans, Bernd Vermaaten
> Webseite | www.solute.de
> Sitz | Registered Office: Karlsruhe
> Registergericht | Register Court: Amtsgericht Mannheim
> Registernummer | Register No.: HRB 110579
> USt-ID | VAT ID: DE234663798
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