has resolved , no reply

------------------ ???????? ------------------
????????:&nbsp;2020??8??13??(??????) ????5:12

????:&nbsp;?????? decimal??19??2?? measure original value is loss 

thks for U reply.

column ??entrust_balance?? be added to model as a dimension?? and add measures 
like sum,max,top as example??the return type is decimal(19,2) ?? SHOW AS 
after build cube success; 
if query sum(entrust_balance) then return success ;
sum return xx.00
max return xx
topn return xx
BUT select entrust_balance from table xx still get uncorrect result.

------------------ ???????? ------------------
????????:&nbsp;2020??8??13??(??????) ????9:56

????:&nbsp;Re: decimal??19??2?? measure original value is loss 

Because kylin only stores the aggregated data, not the detailed information of 
the data source.If ??entrust_balance?? be added to model as a dimension, you 
can query detail like select entrust_balance from table xx &nbsp;and get 
correct result.If you want to query SQL like ??Select * from table?? , you can 
config pushdown:http://kylin.apache.org/cn/docs/tutorial/query_pushdown.html

?? 2020??8??12????15:43?????? <jxgl9...@qq.com&gt; ??????

when i use kylin V3.1.0 With CDH 5.14.2.
hive table column type is decimal(19,2) entrust_balance used as Measures In 
model&nbsp; and add measures like sum,max,top as example??the return type is 
after build cube success; if query sum(entrust_balance) then return success ;
sum return xx.00
max return xx
topn return xx
but when i query detail like select entrust_balance from table xx then return 
empty cloumn;


??????????&nbsp; ????
Just do it !


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