On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 1:26 PM, Peter Haensgen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi,
> > #42: Allow to connect neo graph viewer to remotely running neo
> instance
> > Comment (by johans):
> >
> >  Not really sure if this is something I should. What exactly needs to
> be
> >  done?
> this touches a general problem with Neo: how can multiple VMs (clients)
> concurrently connect to the same database?
> Currently, Neoclipse instantiates the neo service on a given directory.
> This means it opens the database _exclusively_. It is not possible to
> monitor an already running application that works on the same data
> files.
> IMO there should be:
> - a concept how to use Neo as a true database server (providing a remote
> protocol, general access control, ...)
> - the client API / libraries to connect to such a server (handle the
> communication with the server, transaction control, ...)
> - some supporting client API tools (like JNDI integration, ...)

Excellent proposal! I created ticket #63 (https://trac.neo4j.org/ticket/63)
for such a change. My suggestions there are just vague ideas, please fill
them in or correct them where I've made naïve assumptions.

My newly created tickets could resolve this ticket entirely, but I think
that it would make more sense to keep this ticket focused on Neo graph
viewer, and create a new ticket for the actual changes to the core.

> If the above things are provided, this ticket can be processed.
> Regards,
> Peter
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