properties on relationships have always been there, it is one of the
core features of Neo4j not to have dumb associations purely by type
like in UML, but relationships as "first class citizens" along with
Nodes, carrying properties.


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On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 7:46 AM, Michael Hunger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Do we have relationship properties now? I didn't realize that. Great !
> Michael
> Tobias Ivarsson schrieb:
>> Oh, and about querying Neo4j to find out Node/Relationship count: I think
>> this is coming as an MBean in an upcoming release, if not I should log a
>> ticket for it...
>> Since sub-graphs is a user defined construct it will not be queryable in
>> this way, but if you use the code I just sent you can use the size() method
>> on the returned list. A harder problem is that of getting the size of a
>> sub-graph. But remember that Neo is transactional, so if you don't think you
>> will have much contention on the sub-graphs you can store the size as
>> properties on the relationship from the global reference node to the
>> subgraph reference node.
>> About efficiency: storing disjunct sub-graphs in Neo as I previously
>> described it is just as efficient as storing one big connected graph. It
>> might even make your program more efficient since you will never have
>> contention in between sub-graphs.
>> Regards
>> /Tobias
>> On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 11:38 PM, Tobias Ivarsson <
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hi John,
>>> The standard way of doing this is to have a special relationship type that
>>> takes you from the global reference node to the reference node of each
>>> sub-graph. This would give you the following pattern:
>>> List<Node> getReferenceNodes()
>>> {
>>>     Node globalReferenceNode = neo.getReferenceNode();
>>>     List<Node> result = new LinkedList<Node>();
>>>     for (Relationship relation :
>>> globalReferenceNode.getRelationships(theSubgraphReferenceRelationshipType,
>>> Direction.OUTGOING) )
>>>     {
>>>         result.add(relation.getEndNode());
>>>     }
>>>     return result;
>>> }
>>> Typed relationships is really powerful for these sorts of things.
>>> Regards
>>> /Tobias
>>> On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 10:02 PM, John O'Hara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Hi, I was looking over the neo4j project, and after reading the
>>>> wiki/quickstart guide, I had a quick question that I
>>>> couldn't seem to find addressed anywhere?
>>>> Can Neo4j store multiple independent graphs effectively?
>>>> Rather than just storing one large graph in Neo4j, I'd like to a store a
>>>> collection of many independent (disconnected)
>>>> graphs.  What is the best practice for dealing with this, and can it be
>>>> done effectively with Neo4j?  How would I go
>>>> about finding all the independent graphs that I currently have stored?  It
>>>> seems like I would need the
>>>> getReferenceNode() method to return me a list, instead of just a single
>>>> node, but I don't see any talk of this use case.
>>>> Could I query neo4j to find out how many graphs I have, and how big (in
>>>> node count, or edge count, or some metric) each
>>>> one is?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> John
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>>> --
>>> Tobias Ivarsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> Hacker, Neo Technology
>>> www.neotechnology.com
>>> Cellphone: +46 706 534857
> --
> Michael Hunger
> Independent Consultant
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