Yes, one of the goals of the new traversal framework has been to make it
possible to implement algorithms on top of it. You are welcome to help in
that process.

Mattias Persson and myself have started implementing a number of graph
algorithms on top of the traversal framework.

We have discussed Ford-Fulkerson, but decided that it isn't a prioritized
algorithm, since the memory usage of it means that it is only useful for
small graphs. If you would like to contribute to get Ford-Fulkerson and
Bellman-Ford implemented that would be great! If you have questions on how
to do things, that would be a suitable discussion to have here on the
mailing list.


On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 3:28 AM, John Paul Lewicke <>wrote:

> Will the new traversal framework help with implementing some new graph
> algorithms?  I'm most interested in Bellman-Ford and Ford-Fulkerson.
>  It seems like the new control over relationship selection in
> traversal should help a lot.
> There's a lot of fast versions of Bellman-Ford discussed in
> , and I can see how I'd implement some of them if I had the graph
> entirely in memory(as in networkx for Python).  I'm not sure how
> different neo4j would be for implementing these.
> The instance sizes I'm interested in running these on would probably
> be small enough to fit entirely in memory, but I'm really excited
> about neo4j's support for persistence and transactions.
> Thanks for any input you have on this.  Best,
> JP
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Hacker, Neo Technology
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