> How can I get all the 2000 - 2001, Silver, SAAB?

This is a query based on multiple properties and I think there are three
options for this:

   - Identify limited property and traverse on that, testing for the others
   in the traversal. I think this is what Peter was suggesting. So, for
   example, if we feel that selecting the age will limit the result set the
   most, traverse down the age tree to the cars in the correct ages, and for
   all cars found test if they have relations back to the 'silver' and 'saab'
   - Make a lucene index on the combinations of properties you are likely to
   search for. Essentially you are creating a composite key, like
   '2000-silver-saab', for each car and indexing that in lucene. This can make
   it slightly tricky to deal with ranges, but integer ranges like 2000-2001
   are simply two queries, so not too bad. Adding new properties to the cars
   requires creating new keys for those cars also.
   - Create composite index nodes for all unique combinations you are likely
   to search for. So instead of ref-->colors->silver-->carA and
   ref-->make-->saab-->carA, you would have
   ref-->colors-makes-->silver-saab-->carA. Since you are likely to have many
   'Silver SAAB's, this is still a decent index tree. If, however, the complete
   combination of properties becomes too diverse (so the index nodes are as
   plentify as the car nodes), this becomes less efficient. For your example,
   it looks good.

This last option is my personal favourite (as you can see be searching the
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