Isn't the Oracle-Google suit against the jvm-like internals of Android, 
rather than the fact that the application developers use Java?

Besides, afaik patents are language independent, so that won't matter 
much anyway. But fortunately, Neo4j isn't an American company, but 
European. Software patents aren't so common in the EU, nor are software 
patent based lawsuits.

Anyway, I think you blow things way out of proportion now. Although I'd 
have to agree that the Oracle-suit is rather silly (they're probably 
hoping to get some piece of the pie by getting a license agreement with 

Best regards,


On 14-8-2010 10:03 suryadev vasudev wrote:
> Hi Neo team,
> Friday the 13th was a bad day for Java lovers. All of us heard today that
> Oracle is suing Google for using Java in Android. This mobile O/S uses Java
> and is open source.
> We all know Google could have used its own operating system. Java provides
> no feature that a smart team of people can't write. Streams, file handling,
> Internet protocols, GUI are not the exclusive domain of Java. All these
> things were done in Assembly, C and C++ languages.
> Neo team also has made the same mistake as Google. You could have used C or
> C** to develop your application.  Are you concerned that Oracle may train
> its gun on you? Neo DB could be a threat to Oracle.
> What are your road maps to move away from Java? or do you think you are
> protected from similar law suits?
> Regards
> Suryadev
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