sorry, I am not entirely understanding your domain so I can't say
anything for sure. Do you have some architectural diagram and/or some
example flow in order to better understand?

Sorry for the inconvenience


/peter neubauer

VP Product Development, Neo Technology

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On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 4:47 AM, Victor Augusto de Campos
<> wrote:
> Hey folks,
> I'm actually developing an application that requires maintaining "following"
> relationships between nodes, another application reads out those
> relationships and take the steps to perform notifications about actions to
> some entities.
> That said, I got a doubt about the best design to maintain all things going
> well. As I've benchmarked neo4j alone can easily handle the reading/writing
> load but as I'm running it as a embedded database into the application who
> also provides a RESTful API to let other applications notify about actions
> I'm afraid that when I need to scale out this application I'll have troubles
> scaling neo4j embedded in it.
> So, what would be the best approach? Decouple neo4j from that application
> and let it run as a separate app (or use neo4j-rest, although I haven't
> looked into its API and don't know if it provides a official client, but
> well) or if it would be simple to scale out neo4j DB with the application
> providing that RESTful API.
> I don't know if I exposed my question clear, any doubts I'll be glad to
> answer ^^
> Best regards,
> Victor Augusto de Campos
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