The metamodel component only allows you to store meta information about the 
entities in the database and offers no further functionality, except for 
importing rdfs data. To use the metamodel component in an application to do 
constraint verification, you will have to write the logic yourself, although 
this quite a straight forward exercise. 
For my own projects I use a wrapper around Node and Relationship to make them 
metamodel aware, and don't use the standard API for node and relationship in 
any other parts of the software than in this wrapper. 
The current metamodel component as a modelling tool has a few shortcomings I 
ended up addressing in my own projects:
* It's not possible to model metaobjects (including namespaces)* It's not 
possible to model the referencenode* The metaobjects don't allow the modelling 
of graph layout (ie. dense versus bipartite layout). 
When using a bipartite layout, extra options become available: Relationships 
and Properties can have Relationships and Properties. It is not possible to 
directly model that in the current metamodel component. 
> Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2010 11:45:37 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Neo4j] I built my metamodel, now what?
> I've been looking at the metamodel component and found a few good examples
> of how to create a metamodel. My question is, once it's created, what can I
> do with it? Say I create a 'Person' metamodel class with properties like
> first_name (string), last_name (string), birthday (date), etc. Can I then
> instantiate an object of the 'Person' class and have the property
> restictions automatically applied? In other words, can I create a node that
> is associated with a particular metamodel class and use some generic
> interface to set properties that enforces the metamodel restrictions?
> Or is the metamodel component mainly a way to store the metamodel
> information and it is left up to the programmer to inspect it and enforce
> the rules defined within it?
> Thanks,
> Adam
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