Dear all,

I am one of the newbies trying to get into experimenting with neo4j.
The first thing that i tried is the imdb example that is broken (even
though there is a lot of great documentation around it!). First of all
the artifactid of spring-datasource-neo4j has changed to


Also eclipse gives me an error that the classes Actor and Movie do not
implement the NodeBacked interface. Even though building via maven
seems to work fine.

Still after building, spring gives a bean initialization error
relating to initialization of the graphdb. I cannot get the stack
trace from where i am right now, but if you'd try to check out the
current imdb example and run it - you would be able to reproduce it.

Any help would be appreciated as I ready want to get my hands dirty
with the annotation-driven neo4j use. Also I think the imdb example
does a great job at explaining the benefits of neo4j and it would be
useful to have it working to showcase the features to all the newbies
like me.

Also if anyone could point me to a working annotation based example -
that would be great.

Thanks a lot for great work,

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