Sorry Peter, misread you. What I was thinking was to render non-spatial
graphs with neo4j spatial. A layout algorithm would calculate the
"coordinates" of each node we want to visualize. That way we can view really
big graphs in the browser, since the layout-work is already done by the
Den 15 jan 2011 14.28 skrev "Jacob Hansson" <>:
> Yeah, you couldn't do very much with the markers. But you could pre-render
> millions of nodes on the server, and serve it as a spatial layer as if it
> was a map.
> Geoserver would slice it up, allowing zooming and panning just like a map.
> Then you would add interactivity on top of the rendered image like google
> does with google maps. It would be difficult to allow moving nodes and so
> on, but clicking on them and adding relations etc would not be that
> difficult..
> Especially cool if coupled with the styling available with the current geo
> stack.
> Imagine for instance visualizing the corporation ownership and board
> dataset, enabling cheap and super-easy access to the entire visualized
> in any browser.. :)
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