Hi all,

I'm working on a project with millions of nodes and relationships and I'm
using Neo4j for it.
I'm doing some tests and I'm surprised of how slow it gets when it comes to
getting specific relationships
from one node...

How's it actually implemented?

The node I want to get the relationships from is indexed so getting there is
almost instantaneous, however
looping over its outgoing relationships seems to be really slow.
In the last test I just did it took about 10 minutes for retrieving around
45.000 outgoing relationships.

I've also been checking the wiki site for the Index Framework and there's
only one small paragraph talking about
indexing relationships but not about how to create them

  RelationshipIndex friendships = graphDb.index().forRelationships(
"friendships" );
  // "type" isn't a reserved key and isn't indexed automatically
  Relationship relationship = friendships.get( "type", "knows", morpheus,
trinity ).getSingle();

so do you have any idea of the proper way for indexing relationships?
Thanks in advance,
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