Hi everyone,
  I'm new to neo4j and I'm making experience with it, I got a fairly
big table (in my current db) which consists of something more then 220
million rows.

I want to put that in a graphdb, for instance neo4j, and graph it to
do some statistics on them. Every row will be a node in my vision with
just one property and will have an index to check if cause I'm using
small chunk of data to test and want to know if I've already imported
that specific row.

I'm pretty sure there aren't two identical rows in the DB table due to
db constraints but I still get this errors as import proceed:
java.util.NoSuchElementException: More than one element in
org.neo4j.index.impl.lucene.LuceneIndex$1@77435b. First element is
'Node[201728]' and the second element is 'Node[201744]'

Does this has something to do with the commit rate of the neo4j
internal Lucene index? Or I'm doing something wrong? BTW I'm
committing on every row imported:

 String rowMD5 = md5Source.digest(logRow.getRaw().getBytes());
                Transaction     tx = graphDb.beginTx();

                Index<Node> md5Index = graphDb.index().forNodes("md5-rows");
                if (md5Index.get("md5", rowMD5).getSingle() == null)
                        Node rowNode = graphDb.createNode();
                        String[] logRowArray = LogRow.asStringArray(logRow);
                        rowNode.setProperty("logRow", logRowArray);
                        md5Index.add(rowNode, "md5", rowMD5);

Thanks for any clue...

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