This is very cool. Thanks Marko!

I am a huge supporter of knowledge representation using graph
stores/databases. Here are a couple of blogs from a couple of years ago
illustrating a very simple reasoner on top of Zentity (called "Famulus"
back then).

I agree that traditional the first-order and description logic approaches
do not scale. I am a huge believer of probabilistic reasoning and latent

Great stuff.


On 2/23/11 3:27 PM, "Marko Rodriguez" <> wrote:

>I wrote a blog post regarding knowledge representation and reasoning
>using graph databases:
>Automated reasoning is currently dominated by RDF and its stack of
>technologies. However, the standard meta modeling language OWL is
>restricted to description logics. While this is all fine and good, it
>must be said that there are numerous types of logics. I think that
>because graph databases don't have a such strict "layered cake," the
>graph database scene is ripe to be a foundation for the exploration and
>exploitation of other reasoning structures and algorithms.
>Thats that,
>Neo4j mailing list

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