The tool is theoretically safe, and has never caused any problems during
It does however come with NO GUARANTEES, and running it is on your own risk.

I'm not sure the input from those statistics would influence anything at
this point, but since I haven't looked at any of these statistics of the
string store WITH short strings in place it would at least be fun to look
at. The information to be found in that data is: how many strings
are reasonably short (could have been covered by one of the originally
proposed short string encodings), but were not covered by the actual

However, when implementing this optimization I found an embarrassing bug in
my statistics code. Nothing that will harm your data, but rather make the
statistics slightly misleading. Some sort of bonus points to anyone who
finds it. I should perhaps fix that bug if the tool is to be used further.
But on the other hand, not fixing it means that the statistics would show me
how much the implementation misses because of my mistake in coding up the
statistics tool, and I would actually find that interesting.

I don't think I'll have time to investigate any statistics in quite a while.
So if you do decide to run the tool and send data to me, I might not respond
for a few weeks.


On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 6:44 PM, Massimo Lusetti <> wrote:

> Hi neo4j developers,
>  I'm repopulating a neo4j db with fresh data made after M03 release,
> so I guess If I could run Tobias statistics tool to gather some
> info... are these interesting to you and safe for data?
> Cheers
> --
> Massimo
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Tobias Ivarsson <>
Hacker, Neo Technology
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