On 03/08/2011 09:40 AM, Andreas Kollegger wrote:
> Sorry about that. The graphdb components needs to be built without any 
> external repository dependencies. Unfortunately JBoss does not sync netty 
> with maven central (some JBoss stuff does, though).

OK, here's what I figured out yesterday. No matter what I do in SBT, I 
can't get the neo4j-kernel dependency. Here's my project configuration, 
or at least the relevant parts:

class Project(info: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultProject(info) {

   val mavenLocal = "Local Maven Repository" at 

   val osmVersion = "2.5.2-RC1"
   val osmURL = 

   val databinder = "databinder" at "http://databinder.net/repo/";

   val neo4JSnapshots = "Neo4J" at "http://m2.neo4j.org/snapshots";
   val jBossRepository = "JBoss" at 

   val neo4JVersion = "1.3.M03"

   override def libraryDependencies = Set(
     "net.databinder" %% "dispatch-http" % "0.7.8",
     "net.sf.travelingsales" % "osmlib" % osmVersion from 
     "org.geotools" % "gt-main" % "2.7-M3",
     "org.neo4j" % "neo4j" % neo4JVersion,
     "org.neo4j" % "neo4j-kernel" % neo4JVersion,
     "org.neo4j" % "neo4j-spatial" % "0.5-SNAPSHOT"


Regardless of whether or not I specify the kernel dependency, it is 
never fetched. I do, however, get the neo4j-kernel-test jar. This is 
after multiple iterations of removing and recreating all caches, 
lib_managed/ and target/.

If I pull the kernel jar from my local cache, placing it in lib/, 
everything works as expected. But something in SBT's dependency 
resolution breaks on Neo4J. I've not experienced this issue before in 
over a year of using SBT, so I'm not sure where to go from here. The 
placement of the kernel jar in my project is a good temporary solution, 
but I'm trying not to commit binary artifacts to my repository unless 
absolutely necessary.

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