Are you referring that in a M/R environment each Map (or Reduce) process
will try to have its own instance of batchInserter and hence it would fail ?

WHen I say "local" I mean that the code works fine when I just use the M/R
api but fails when I try to run in distributed mode.

On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 2:25 PM, Michael Hunger <> wrote:

> Hi Sulabh,
> what do you mean by 'local' mode?
> The batch inserter can only be used in a single threaded environment. You
> shouldn't use it in a concurrent env as it will fail unpredictably.
> Please use the EmbeddedGraphDatabase instead.
> Michael
> Am 17.06.2011 um 23:20 schrieb sulabh choudhury:
> Well as I mentioned the code does not fail anywhere, it runs it full course
> and just skips the  writing to the graph part.
> I have just one graph and I pass just 1 instance of the batchInserter  to
> the map function.
> My code is in Scala, sample code attached below
> class ExportReducer extends Reducer[Text,MapWritable,LongWritable,Text]{
>   type Context = org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Reducer[Text, MapWritable,
> LongWritable, Text]#Context
>   @throws(classOf[Exception])
>   override def reduce(key: Text, value: java.lang.Iterable[MapWritable],
> context: Context) {
>       var keys: Array[String] = key.toString.split(":")
>   var uri1 = "first" + keys(0)
>   var uri2 = "last" + keys(1)
>       ExportReducerObject.propertiesUID.put("ID",uri1);
>     var node1 =
> ExportReducerObject.batchInserter.createNode(ExportReducerObject.propertiesUID);
> ExportReducerObject.indexService.add(node1,ExportReducerObject.propertiesUID)
>       ExportReducerObject.propertiesCID.put("ID",uri2);
>  var node2 =
> ExportReducerObject.batchInserter.createNode(ExportReducerObject.propertiesCID);
> ExportReducerObject.indexService.add(node2,ExportReducerObject.propertiesCID);
>       ExportReducerObject.propertiesEdges.put("fullName","1.0");
> ExportReducerObject.batchInserter.createRelationship(node1,node2,DynamicRelationshipType.withName("fullName"),ExportReducerObject.propertiesEdges)
>   }
> My graph properties are defined as below :-
> val batchInserter = new BatchInserterImpl("graph",
> BatchInserterImpl.loadProperties("neo4j.props"))
> val indexProvider = new LuceneBatchInserterIndexProvider(batchInserter)
> val indexService =
> indexProvider.nodeIndex("ID",MapUtil.stringMap("type","exact"))
> Mind it that the code works perfectly( writes to the graph) when running in
> local mode.
> On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 11:32 AM, sulabh choudhury <>wrote:
>> I am trying to write MapReduce job to do Neo4j Batchinserters.
>> It works fine when I just run it like a java file(runs in local mode) and
>> does the insert, but when I try to run it in the distributed mode it does
>> not write to the graph.
>> Is it issue related to permissions?
>> I have no clue where to look.
> --
> --
> Thanks and Regards,
> Sulabh Choudhury


Thanks and Regards,
Sulabh Choudhury
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