Awesome stuff!

One question: is there any ability yet to use (i.e. configure) auto-indexing
from the REST API? If not, will that be a part of 1.4 final?


On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 7:03 AM, Andres Taylor <> wrote:

> Hello graphistas,
> Today we’re releasing the fifth and final milestone in our 1.4 “Kiruna
> Stol”
> family. We’ve expanded our feature set to include Auto Indexing and paged
> traversers for the REST API, the Cypher query language has seen some major
> improvements and as always, we’ve squeezed more performance out of our
> database engine.
> Auto indexing
> ------------------
> In this milestone we have included an improved version of the auto indexing
> functionality that was announced shortly after 1.4.M04 and has been
> available in development snapshots since then. You’ll now find new
> configuration options for separately enabling auto indexing for node and
> relationship properties and for defining which properties will be indexed.
> For example, if you want to auto-index all node properties called “name”
> and
> all relationship properties called “since” the proper configuration is:
> Map<String, String> config = new HashMap<String, String>();
> config.put(Config.NODE_AUTO_INDEXING, “true”);
> config.put(Config.NODE_KEYS_INDEXABLE, “name”);
> config.put(Config.RELATIONSHIP_AUTO_INDEXING, “true”);
> config.put(Config.RELATIONSHIP_KEYS_INDEXABLE, “since”);
> Passing the above to the GraphDatabaseService constructor will enable auto
> indexing for matching nodes and relationships, and on every commit the auto
> index will be updated automatically. For more details, check out the
> javadocs and the examples in the manual available at:
> Paged REST Traversers
> --------------------------------
> After including batch operations in the previous milestone, now we also
> provide the option to page results of traversals via a special URI
> contained
> in Node representations and that is similar to the existing Traverser REST
> API. You can define the page size and lease time, having this way finer
> control the retrieval of traverser results from the client (and also help
> improve performance on the server).
> Cypher improvements
> -----------------------------
> The newly introduced Cypher query language is growing more sophisticated
> and
> in this milestone we’ve added aggregates, ordering and limits. This allows
> for more expressive queries, making the following a valid statement against
> the cineasts database:
> START user=(User,login,'micha')
> MATCH (user)-[:FRIEND]-(friend)-[r,:RATED]->(movie)
> RETURN movie.title, AVG(r.stars), COUNT(*)
>       ORDER BY AVG(r.stars) DESC, COUNT(*) DESC limit 7
> To see Cypher in action, check out the
> screencast<>by
> our own Michael Hunger.
> Almost there
> ----------------
> Of course that is not all. As always, we have bug fixes, performance
> improvements and usability enhancements, the most prevalent of which is the
> removal of YAJSW as the wrapper and service installer, which should bring
> joy to the mac users among us.
> With the GA release to follow shortly, we’d like you to download, try out
> and provide us with your valuable feedback on these new features so that we
> can deliver the best possible 1.4 to you, our community. For more details
> and links go to the release announcement
> here<
> >
> .
> Andrés Taylor
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