> Nice.  It's a very "though provoking" (pun clearly intended) blog post.  I 
> need to read it a couple times to fully grok it.

I put many links to associated reading (primarily on Wikipedia). If you don't 
have experience with elementary cognitive neuroscience, then you can learn all 
you need to know by following the links. I can save you 2-years of tuition: 
read the blog post and the one-step away Wikipedia pages :)...and if you want a 
graduate-level understanding of cognitive neuroscience, go two-steps. If you 
want to understand even more, do a spreading activation through Wikipedia :).

Also, the HMAX diagram...
...is an accurate diagram and if you can follow what its trying to represent, 
then it will give you a good understanding of the first layers of the visual 
cortex are doing. Part of my postdoctoral work was on this model which is a 
computational model of the visual cortex that is biologically realistic. Its a 
very cool model indeed. I have two references in the references section that 
point to further HMAX information.

Thanks again,

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