OK, thanks for this. Unfortunately my project is getting less attention 
now than it ever has, but I finally sat down and reworked my 
architecture. Instead of working with Neo4J Nodes, I've reworked my 
library to use SpatialDatabaseRecord and am now having a bit more success.

I have three more query types to implement, and I'm not immediately 
seeing how to do this using the OSM API. I'm not sure if I need to drop 
to the lower-level JTS searches for these, so any guidance would be 
appreciated. Note that, in all that follows, "node" means OSM node, not 
Neo4J node:

   def nearestWay(lat:Double, lon:Double, 
allowedTypes:Option[List[String]] = None) = {

Finds the nearest way to a given lat, lon. The list of allowed types 
lets me filter out power lines, footways, etc. by specifying values for 
the highway= tag.

   def nearestNodeWithWay(lat:Double, lon:Double, 
allowedTypes:Option[List[String]]) = {

Finds the nearest node on any way.

   def waysForNode(n:Node) = {

Lists the ways on which a given node is found. OSMDataset lets me do the 
opposite and returns the nodes for a way, but I don't immediately see a 
way to do this.


On 06/19/2011 04:47 PM, Craig Taverner wrote:
> Hi Nolan,
> I think I can answer a few of your questions. Firstly, some background. The
> graph model of the OSM data is based largely on the XML formated OSM
> documents, and there you will find 'nodes', 'ways', 'relations' and 'tags'
> each as their own xml-tag, and as a consequence each will also have their
> own neo4j-node in the graph. Another point is that the geometry can be based
> on one or more nodes or ways, and so we always create another node for the
> geometry, and link it to the osm-node, way or relation that represents that
> geometry.
> What all this boils down to is that you cannot find the tags on the geometry
> node itself. You cannot even find the location on that node. If you want to
> use the graph model in a direct way, as you have been trying, you really do
> need to know how the OSM data is modeled. For example, for a LineString
> geometry, you would need to traverse from the geometry node to the way node
> and finally to the tags node (to get the tags). To get to the locations is
> even more complex. Rather than do that, I would suggest that you work with
> the OSM API we provided with the OSMLayer, OSMDataset and OSMGeometryEncoder
> classes. Then you do not need to know the graph model at all.
> For example, OSMDataset has a method for getting a Way object from a node,
> and the returned object can be queried for its nodes, geometry, etc.
> Currently we provide methods for returning neo4j-nodes as well as objects
> that make spatial sense. One minor issue here is the ambiguity inherent in
> the fact that both neo4j and OSM make use of the term 'node', but for
> different things. We have various solutions to this, sometimes replacing
> 'node' with 'point' and sometimes prefixing with 'osm'. The unit tests in
> TestsForDocs includes some tests for the OSM API.
> My first goal is to find the nearest OSM node to a given lat, lon. My
>> attempts seem to be made of fail thus far, however. Here's my code:
> Most of the OSM dataset is converted into LineStrings, and what you really
> want to do is find the closest vertex of the closest LineString. We have a
> utility function 'findClosestEdges' in the SpatialTopologyUtils class for
> that. The unit tests in TestSpatialUtils, and the testSnapping() method in
> particular, show use of this.
> My thinking is that nodes should be represented as points, so I can't
>> see why this fails. When I run this in a REPL, I do get a node back. So
>> far so good. Next, I want to get the node's tags. So I run:
> The spatial search will return 'geometries', which are spatial objects. In
> neo4j-spatial every geometry is represented by a unique node, but it is not
> required that that node contain coordinates or tags. That is up to the
> GeometryEncoder. In the case of the OSM model, this information is
> elsewhere, because of the nature of the OSM graph, which is a highly
> interconnected network of points, most of which do not represent Point
> geometries, but are part of much more complex geometries (streets, regions,
> buildings, etc.).
> n.getSingleRelationship(OSMRelation.TAGS, Direction.INCOMING)
> The geometry node is not connected directly to the tags node. You need two
> steps to get there. But again, rather than figure out the graph yourself,
> use the API. In this case, instead of getting the geometry node from the
> SpatialDatabaseRecord, rather just get the properties using getPropertyNames
> and getProperty(String). This API works the same on all kinds of spatial
> data, and in the case of OSM data will return the TAGS, since those are
> interpreted as attributes of the geometries.
> n.getSingleRelationship(OSMRelationship.GEOM,
>> Direction.INCOMING).getOtherNode(n).getPropertyKeys
>> I see what appears to be a series of tags (oneway, name, etc.) Why are
>> these being returned for OSMRelation.GEOM rather than OSMRelation.TAGS?
> These are not the tags. Now you have found the node representing an OSM
> 'Way'. This has a few properties on it that are relevant to the way, the
> name, whether the street is oneway or not, etc. Sometimes these are based on
> values in the tags, but they are not the tags themselves. This node is
> connected to the geometry node and the tags node, so you were half-way there
> (to the tags that is). You started at the geometry node, and stepped over to
> the way node, and one more step (this time with the TAGS relationship) would
> have got you to the tags.
> But again, I advise against trying to explore the OSM graph by itself. As
> you have already found, it is not completely trivial. What you should have
> done is access the attributes directly from the search results.
> Additionally, I see the property way_osm_id, which clearly isn't a tag.
>> It would also seem to indicate that this query returned a way rather
>> than a node like I'd hoped. This conclusion is further born out by the
>> tag names. So clearly I'm not getting the search correct. But beyond
>> that, the way being returned by this search isn't close to the lat,lon I
>> provided. What am I missing?
> The lat/long values are quite a bit deeper in the graph. In the case of
> 'ways', we have a chain of nodes that run from the first to the last node of
> the way. Each of these nodes has a relationship to another node that
> contains the location. The reason for the intermediate nodes is because the
> location nodes can exist in multiple ways. Needless to say it is a bit
> complex to traverse all this completely manually as you are trying.
> Another complication is that most points in the OSM model are not exposed as
> Point Geometries in the spatial index. This is because most of them are
> intended as parts of bigger geometries. For example, if someone created a
> lake in OSM, made of 100 points in a polygon, those 100 points would not be
> indexed in the spatial index, but the Polygon would be. So using the spatial
> index to find points like this will not work. Only points that are tagged
> individually will appear in the spatial index. We have some rules in the
> importer to decide if points that are part of bigger geometries can also be
> indexed by themselves. Usually the presence of user tags is good enough for
> this. Needless to say, very few points have their own tags, but the ways
> they belong to will have tags.
> So it you are interested in only points of interest, then using the index to
> search for points will work. If you are interested in all OSM nodes,
> including those that are only vertices of ways, then use the
> SpatialTopologyUtils.findClosestEdges(Point,Layer) method.
> As an aside, in looking at the latest OSM import testcase, it seems like
>> the batch inserter may now be optional. Is this true, and what
>> benefits/disadvantages are there to its use? I tried importing the Texas
>> OSM data on my fairly powerful laptop, but gave up after 12 hours and
>> 170000 way imports (I think there are over a million in that dataset.)
>> Other geospatial formats seem to do the import in a matter of hours, but
>> this import seemed like it'd go on for days if I let it.
> There is a problem with the lucene index. Well, not specifically lucene, but
> a problem with using a general purpose index to map between OSM-ways and
> OSM-nodes. This problem really affects the scalability of the importer. It
> certainly slows down a lot for larger datasets. We have investigated various
> other solutions. Peter has tried BDB and other external indexes, and I
> started writing a HashMap/Array based index. I did not finish that, but have
> seen that Chris Gioran has now started a similar (and apparently more
> complete / better) solution at https://github.com/digitalstain/BigDataImport.
> I would like to try it out when I get a chance. The issue we have scaling
> the OSM import is not unique, so a solution like this will probably help
> many people.
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