
> I have some questions for our research of possible RDF Triple Stores
> with fast graph traversal and fast (fulltext) search. As of now we are
> using OpenRDFs Native and Memory Stores and OpenLink Virtuoso as our
> RDF Triple Store.
> How is the performance compared to OpenRDF Native and Memory Store
> when using Tinkerpop Bluprints with there SAIL Ouplementation?
> Area there any experience, any benchmarks?
> We would also like to do have (fulltext) search in the graph data
> built in. Is Neo4J the right store for that?

The beauty of the Sail Ouplementation model is that it is optimized for both 
index-based queries (spgo) and traversal-based queries. If you look at the 
technologies in OpenRDF, they are very "index-based" (SPARQL, getStatements(), 
etc.). While, with Blueprints GraphSail, you can use this API (implements 
Sail), you can also "drop down" into native Blueprints or Neo4j and thus, have 
a  quad-RDF graph represented as a linked list structure and thus, do fast 
traversals.  It is a bit of the best of both worlds in that sense...

In terms of performance benchmarks, we don't have any right now as GraphSail is 
a recent addition to Blueprints and is still being heavily developed/optimized. 
Also, I believe AllegroGraph has a disk/memory representation these days that 
makes for fast traversals (used in their SNA package) so you might want to 
check them out. Also, see StarDog which is a full Java-based RDF quadstore ( 
http://stardog.com/ ) which has Gremlin as their distributed path-based 

Finally, most RDF stores provide full text search. Moreover, Neo4j does as well.

See ya,

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