Probably the opposite (if you could even do it).  You'd lose the LRU caching 
across the boundary.

Is the data being written the same as the data being read, or is there a 
natural segmentation?  If so you could implement a crude form of 
sharding/partioning to avoid "hot spots" (concurrency related) during these 

As always, SSD + plenty of RAM.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On 
Behalf Of Tero Paananen
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2011 12:16 PM
Subject: [Neo4j] SDN w/ write and readonly Graph Database Service?

I'm using SDN to build a graph db I'm expecting to have
quite a heavy volume of write and read activity at peak
times. We're not ready to start using HA at this point.

I was wondering, if using Neo4J using two instances of
the Graph Database Service, one EmbeddedGraphDatabase
(writes), and one  or more EmbeddedReadOnlyGraphDatabase (reads) would make any

Are there any benefits for splitting the db access
that way? Or would accessing the db through the
writable instance for all operations be pretty
much the same?

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