Hi all,
I'm currently writing a server plugin. I need it to make some specialized 
queries that are not supported by the standard REST API. The important methods 
I expose are 'query' and 'get_next_page', the latter to support results 
pagination (i.e. the plugin is stateful).
In 'query', I run my query against the Neo4j backend, and store a Node iterator 
to the query results (this is either an iterator originating from 
'getAllNodes', or a Lucene IndexHits<Node> instance). In 'get_next_page', I run 
through the next N items of the iterator and return these as a 
ListRepresentation. The same iterator object is kept across all page 
retrievals, but of course stepped forward N steps for every invocation. After 
having gone through all pages, the reference to the Node iterator is removed.
Now, as I understand it, all the heap space I should be concerned about using, 
is the one I allocate locally in my methods, since the referenced stored to the 
iterator object is just a tiny reference, and iterator results are fetched 
lazily (i.e., even though the iterator covers a result set greater than the 
allotted heap size, I shall be able to page through it within given heap space 
if the page size is small enough). But when I run my plugin, this does not seem 
to be the case. I can make several successful calls in a row to 
'get_next_page', but then after a while bump into "GC overhead limit exceeded" 
which I cannot quite understand. I am rather certain the size of each page 
returned is within the allotted heap size. For some reason the heap usage seems 
to grow with the calls to 'get_next_page' which I cannot understand, given my 
understanding of the Node iterators from Neo4j.
How do I avoid hitting this GC overhead limit? Am I missing something?
(And yes, I've tried using different values of the allowed heap space by 
fiddling in the conf-files, and sure I can give tons of memory to the instance, 
and then it works, but I shouldn't have to give more heap space than what Neo4j 
"needs", plus my page size).
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