Deleting a node doesn't remove it from its indexes because there's no hard
link between a node and its indexes so it would be a costly operation. It
merely hides it from IndexHits and puts it up for deletion later
(read-repair). Are you getting the exception in another thread and/or is
that node included in some other IndexHits? If that's the case then it
might be a race condition.

2011/11/17 Axel Morgner <>

> > It cannot be only that. By the looks of it some part of your code uses
> > Node#hasProperty after Node#delete, which is illegal and that's what's
> > causing it.
> Yes, that's right. The exception is expected behaviour. But why the
> node's still in the index?
> I think it's just a timing problem in our code. It's happening only
> under race conditions when creating and deleting nodes with multiple
> threads. Maybe it's because after node.delete() the deleting thread
> doesn't immediately remove it from the index while another thread
> accesses the node via index lookup, and of course fails to use the node
> as it has already the notInUse flag persisted. Seems that the node is
> then kind of locked. I don't know ...
> It's a bit weird that it's so easy to bring the database into an
> inconsistant state with a node still being in the index, but our fix is
> working for us so far, and I understood what we did wrong.
> Sorry that I don't have more time to sort it out. But if you really
> think that it's worth to have a deeper look into it, I could setup a
> small webapp using the libraries we're using here (it's all available at
> Github [1]).
> [1]
> Greetings
> Axel
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