Michael was correct - thank you! Once my directory had been added to 
livy.file.local-dir-whitelist the POST /batches request worked using just 
file:/foo/bar/hello.py for the file argument. No pyFiles arg was required.

One subtlety was that the Livy server was not running on the same machine as 
the Spark master node. And it appears the local directory has to be a directory 
on the Livy server itself.  If I just put the file on the Spark master node I 
python: can't open file '/foo/bar/hello.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
java.lang.Exception: spark-submit exited with code 2}.

So is this true of all the file-related args in the POST /batches call then? 
i.e., file, jars, pyFiles and files must all reference paths on the Livy server 
itself? I’m currently using Livy 0.3.

Thanks, Lucas.

From: Partridge, Lucas (GE Aviation)
Sent: 06 November 2017 16:31
To: user@livy.incubator.apache.org
Subject: EXT: POST /batches failing with "Only local python files are supported"

Michael – thanks for your suggestion. At the moment any request I make with a 
file:/ argument immediately gets rejected as a ‘400 Bad Request’ but I’ve asked 
for livy.file.local-dir-whitelist to be modified in case that’ll make a 
difference.  Unfortunately I don’t administer the Livy server so I’ll have to 
wait on that…

Alex – I tried the pyFiles arg with both the hdfs: and file: path but it made 
no difference to the “Only local python files are supported” error. Feel free 
to research it more but I would expect the purpose of the pyFiles argument to 
be to supply any missing Python libraries that the Python application supplied 
in the file arg may depend on.

Thanks, Lucas.

From: Alex Bozarth [mailto:ajboz...@us.ibm.com]
Sent: 03 November 2017 20:11
To: user@livy.incubator.apache.org<mailto:user@livy.incubator.apache.org>
Subject: EXT: Re: POST /batches failing with "Only local python files are 

Michael's solution might do it for you, but if it doesn't I would try the 
pyFiles arg instead, I haven't used it but it's purpose may be to fix this 
exact issue. I can research it more if needed.
Alex Bozarth
Software Engineer
Spark Technology Center


E-mail: ajboz...@us.ibm.com<mailto:ajboz...@us.ibm.com>
GitHub: github.com/ajbozarth<https://github.com/ajbozarth>

505 Howard Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
United States

[Inactive hide details for Michael Rhee ---11/03/2017 07:41:35 AM---Hi Lucas, I 
believe you need to modify your Livy configurati]Michael Rhee ---11/03/2017 
07:41:35 AM---Hi Lucas, I believe you need to modify your Livy configuration 
file to allow access to a local direc

From: Michael Rhee <mr...@gogoair.com<mailto:mr...@gogoair.com>>
To: "user@livy.incubator.apache.org<mailto:user@livy.incubator.apache.org>" 
Date: 11/03/2017 07:41 AM
Subject: Re: POST /batches failing with "Only local python files are supported"


Hi Lucas,

I believe you need to modify your Livy configuration file to allow access to a 
local directory on your master node. Something like the following:

livy.file.local-dir-whitelist =/home/hadoop-user/

Then use the file:/home/hadoop-user/file argument when you pass your request to 
Livy. Hope that helps.


From: "Partridge, Lucas (GE Aviation)" 
Date: Friday, November 3, 2017 at 5:34 AM
To: "user@livy.incubator.apache.org<mailto:user@livy.incubator.apache.org>" 
Subject: POST /batches failing with "Only local python files are supported"

Thanks for the suggestion Alex. However whenever I try anything beginning with 
file:/, file:// or file:/// or file://NNPRDHA/<file:///NNPRDHA/> I get this 

org.springframework.web.client.RestClientException: Error running rest call; 
nested exception is org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException: 
400 Bad Request

It sounds like from what you’ve said it’s a Spark error rather than a Livy 
error, which I didn’t realise before. But whenever I put in a file argument 
value without a file: in front it - Livy or Spark? - assumes it’s an HDFS path 
and prepends it with hdfs://. Then Spark complains that only local Python files 
are supported.

I’ve also tried copying the Python file from hdfs to the local file system of 
the Spark Master node. But I can’t specify that path in my POST call because if 
I use file: I get 400 Bad Request; and if I don’t use file: it (Spark?) assumes 
it’s in hdfs! Should I use the files argument for POST /batches too? Or the 
pyFiles argument, although I assumed that was for Python libraries required by 
the main application. I’ve tried lots of combinations but none have worked so 

From: Alex Bozarth [mailto:ajboz...@us.ibm.com]
Sent: 02 November 2017 21:34
To: user@livy.incubator.apache.org<mailto:user@livy.incubator.apache.org>
Subject: EXT: Re: POST /batches failing with "Only local python files are 

It sounds like you're passing in a local past and it's being treated as an HDFS 
path. Have you tired passing the path in with file:// at the front (similar to 
hdfs://) that tells hdfs that the path is local, I've run into this issue with 
Spark before.
Alex Bozarth
Software Engineer
Spark Technology Center


E-mail: ajboz...@us.ibm.com<mailto:ajboz...@us.ibm.com>

505 Howard Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
United States

[nactive hide details for "Partridge, Lucas (GE Aviation)" ---11/02/2017 
0]"Partridge, Lucas (GE Aviation)" ---11/02/2017 07:14:58 AM---I want to use 
Livy (0.3) to run a Python file that I've placed in HDFS. I'm invoking POST 

From: "Partridge, Lucas (GE Aviation)" 
To: "user@livy.incubator.apache.org<mailto:user@livy.incubator.apache.org>" 
Date: 11/02/2017 07:14 AM
Subject: POST /batches failing with "Only local python files are supported"


I want to use Livy (0.3) to run a Python file that I’ve placed in HDFS. I’m 
invoking POST /batches from a Java REST client, passing in the path to the HDFS 
file as the ‘file’ argument of the POST request’s body 
 The value I’m providing for ‘file’ is "/user/MyUserName/hello.py".

The POST response says the batch is in state ‘starting’ but when I query it 
using GET /batches/{batchId} I see this:

Error: Only local python files are supported: 

You can see the value has been altered from what I provided. How do I 
successfully invoke the Python file please?

(I see someone raised a similar problem at 
 but it’s not clear if or how they solved it.)

Thanks, Lucas.

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