Hi guys,

I'd like to use Livy Server and its Java client to deploy generic Spark applications by integrating the Java client into a custom orchestration engine.

After going through the docs and experimenting the code I am not sure if this is already possible with Livy, see the following example:

The orchestration engine can reveive generic Spark binaries and additional input parameters, which should be executed programmitcally at a Spark Cluster (with the Livy Server).

Yet, according to the PiJob <https://livy.incubator.apache.org/docs/latest/programmatic-api.html>example it seems that I need to wrap the code of any Spark application to submit it via the Java client?

Hence, the following code snippet would not work:

LivyClient client =new LivyClientBuilder()
    .setURI(new URI("http://IP:8998";)).build(); client.uploadJar(new 

Yet, it seems that this kind of execution would be possible by using the REST-API directly (and not the Java Client)?

Thanks for any advice!


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