Correct me if I'm wrong, but won't Interactive Mode require me to rewrite
my application code into statements that would then be submitted within the
code property?

The thing is that I don't want to take the application logic out of my JAR
file containing my Spark application, because I'll be using Livy's HTTP
Rest API to submit remote Spark jobs via Apache-Airflow.

*Shubham Gupta*
Software Engineer

On Mon, Oct 1, 2018 at 7:30 AM Jeff Zhang <> wrote:

> BTW, zeppelin has integrated livy's interactive mode to run spark code.
> You may try this as well.
> Jeff Zhang <>于2018年10月1日周一 上午9:58写道:
>> Have you tried the interactive mode ?
>> Shubham Gupta <>于2018年10月1日周一 上午9:30写道:
>>> I'm trying to use Livy to remotely submit several Spark *jobs*. Lets
>>> say I want to perform following *spark-submit task remotely* (with all
>>> the options as-such)
>>> spark-submit \
>>> --class \
>>> --conf spark.driver.cores=1 \
>>> --conf spark.driver.memory=1g \
>>> --conf spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled=true \
>>> --conf spark.serializer='org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer' \
>>> --conf "spark.executor.extraJavaOptions= -XX:+UseG1GC" \
>>> --master yarn \
>>> --deploy-mode cluster \
>>> /home/hadoop/y2k-shubham/jars/jumbo-batch.jar \
>>> \
>>> --start=2012-12-21 \
>>> --end=2012-12-21 \
>>> --pipeline=db-importer \
>>> --run-spiders
>>> *NOTE: The options after the JAR (--start, --end etc.) are specific to
>>> my Spark application. I'm using scopt <> for
>>> this*
>>> ------------------------------
>>>    -
>>>    I'm aware that I can supply all the various options in above
>>>    spark-submit command using Livy POST/batches request
>>> <>
>>>    .
>>>    -
>>>    But since I have to make over 250 spark-submits remotely, I'd like
>>>    to exploit Livy's *session-management capabilities*; i.e., I want
>>>    Livy to create a SparkSession once and then use it for all my
>>>    spark-submit requests.
>>>    -
>>>    The POST/sessions request
>>> <> 
>>> allows
>>>    me to specify quite a few options for instantiating a SparkSession 
>>> remotely.
>>>    However, I see no *session argument* in POST/batches request
>>> <>
>>>    .
>>> ------------------------------
>>> My questions are
>>>    1. How can I make use of the SparkSession that I created using
>>>    POST/sessions request for submitting my Spark job using POST/batches
>>>     request?
>>>    2. In case its not possible, why is that the case?
>>>    3. Any workarounds?
>>> ------------------------------
>>> I've referred to following examples but they only demonstrate supplying (
>>> python) *code* for Sparkjob within Livy's POST request
>>>    - pi_app
>>> <>
>>>    - rssanders3/airflow-spark-operator-plugin
>>> <>
>>>    - livy/examples <>
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Here's the link <> to my
>>> original question on StackOverflow
>>> *Shubham Gupta*
>>> Software Engineer
>>>  zomato

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