Please disregard, I used an obsolete version of the jar which did indeed not 
have the classes in...

From: Rabe, Jens <>
Sent: Montag, 8. Oktober 2018 12:31
Subject: Submitting a PySpark batch job ignores jars sent with it


I defined a custom format to read data into spark. This works when used in 
Scala Spark or e.g. from Zeppelin, also with PySpark.

I now try to use this from Livy. I post something like this to 

  "args":["foo", "bar"],

In the log I see the jar gets loaded and added:

    "2018-10-08 12:23:28 INFO  SparkContext:54 - Added JAR file:/// 
path/to/myformat-assembly.jar at spark:// 
myformat-assembly.jar with timestamp 1538994208755"

But my PySpark job doesn't find the format:

        "Traceback (most recent call last):",
        "  File \"/path/to/ \", line 13, in <module>",
        "    data =\"my.custom.format\").load(path)",
        "  File 
\"/opt/spark/python/lib/\", line 166, in 
        "  File 
\"/opt/spark/python/lib/\", line 1257, 
in __call__",
        "  File \"/opt/spark/python/lib/\", 
line 63, in deco",
        "  File \"/opt/spark/python/lib/\", 
line 328, in get_return_value",
        "py4j.protocol.Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling 
        ": java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Failed to find data source: 
my.custom.format. Please find packages at";,

When opening a session (which loads the same library jar) and sending the 
respective command, it fails as well.

However, I just added a simple object into this library, and calling this works 
(like using

What am I missing?

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