Thank a lot for the suggestion, Saisai.

I was able to successfully hook into onApplicationStart event, but
immediately faced another issue.

The listener facility in Spark is asynchronous, so it dispatches the events
in a background thread. Naturally events don't include references to the
SparkSessions, and since active spark session is a thread-local variable
there seems to be no way to obtain it from the listener.

This is not an issue for UDTRegistration, as it maintains a global state,
but UDFRegistration is an instance that lives in the SessionState of the
SparkSession, so I'm out of luck there.

- Sergii

On Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 7:44 PM Saisai Shao <> wrote:

> Unfortunately there's no such mechanism to inject custom code when session
> is started in Livy side. I think you can add some code in Spark side, Spark
> has a listener hook "SparkListener", in which there has a hook `
> onApplicationStart`, this hook will be called immediately after
> application is started. You can take a look at SparkListener.
> Thanks
> Saisai
> Sergii Mikhtoniuk <> 于2019年8月12日周一 上午6:14写道:
>> Hi,
>> I'm currently using Livy in two different contexts:
>> - from Jupyter notebooks
>> - from SqlLine/Beeline CLI over Thrift/JDBC connection.
>> The data I work with includes GIS, so it sometimes necessary to register
>> custom (GeoSpark) geometry UDTs and UDFs in the Spark session.
>> For Jupyter notebook case I was able to simply add a custom step to my
>> Jupyter kernel that registers UDTs after session is created, but I don't
>> know how to achieve the same in JDBC client scenario.
>> Is there any extension mechanism in Livy or Spark that would execute a
>> custom code on session init or to automatically discover and register
>> UDFs/UDTs?
>> As I understand from the
>> UDT mechanism is still in flux, but perhaps there's a better solution than
>> to fork Livy to add my custom registration code.
>> Any pointers are much appreciated.
>> - Sergii

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