As most of the folks mentioned, send-boxing isn't / shouldn't be done at
Livy level.

Look at Kerberos+Sentry for example to add isolation to access to HDFS /
Hive etc.
YARN for resource isolation (it can employ Linux container groups for
to guarantee that each container wouldn't run over what it asked for in
of vcpus/ memory).

If you'd like to isolate further from hosts that those Spark executors are
running on,
look for YARN docker container support for example
Or kubernetes support - Spark on kubernetes
Not sure how well the latter works with Livy though.

Ruslan Dautkhanov

On Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 10:02 AM mhd wrk <> wrote:

> Considering that Livy supports Interactive Scala or Python, does it
> provides any sand-boxing feature to protect the back-end against submitted
> code?

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