On 23/11/2016 15:33, Gupta, Rajiv wrote:
1.       Which field I use to get the document id from hits:
  my $hits = $searcher->hits(
      query      => $query_parsed,
      num_wanted => -1, # -1 equivlent to all results
while (my $hits $hits->next()){
                print "Docment id: " . $hit->{???};

$hits->next() returns an arrayref of Lucy::Document::HitDocs:


HitDoc inherits from Lucy::Document::Doc which has a get_doc_id method:


So you can get the doc ID with:

    my $doc_id = $hit->get_doc_id();

2.       While inserting records how can avoid inserting duplicate records.

You have to delete the old documents, using one of the delete_* methods in Lucy::Index::Indexer:


Typically, you use one of the fields in your schema as primary key and delete documents using delete_by_term:

    $indexer->delete_by_term(my_primary_key => $value);


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