On 23/02/2017 04:52, Peter Karman wrote:
package MyAnalyzer {
    use base qw( Lucy::Analysis::Analyzer );
    sub transform { $_[1] }

Every Analyzer needs an `equals` method. For simple Analyzers, it can simply check whether the class of the other object matches:

    package MyAnalyzer {
        use base qw( Lucy::Analysis::Analyzer );
        sub transform { $_[1] }
        sub equals { $_[1]->isa(__PACKAGE__) }

If the Analyzer uses (inside-out) member variables, you'll also need dump and load methods. Unfortunately, we don't have good documentation for writing custom analyzers yet.

*** Error in `perl': corrupted double-linked list: 0x00000000021113a0 ***

This is something that should be fixed. I think that the following happens:

- The exception thrown in the Lucy code causes a refcount leak.
- Because of the leak, the object still exists in Perl's global destruction
  phase where the DESTROY method is invoked on the remaining objects in
  random order.
- So it can happen that Clownfish object A is destroyed with object B still
  referencing it. When B is destroyed, it tries to decrease the refcount of
  A, causing memory corruption.

We'll need a custom DESTROY implementation for Perl that ignores objects with a non-zero refcount or checks whether we're in the global destruction phase.


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