If you have no ratings, how are you using RMSE? this typically
measures error in reconstructing ratings.
I think you are probably measuring something meaningless.

On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 10:17 AM, William <icswilliam2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a dataset about user and movie(no rate).But I want to get some
> recommendations from this dataset.
> I just know the users see or not see some movie.So I set the rating matrix
> like: seen movies are 1, not seen movies are missing.
> I use parallelALS function to decompose this matrix with three
> parameters(numfeatures ,numIterations, lambda). And I would like to get the
> best combination to reduce the RMSE.
> I my experiment, RMSE value decreases with larger numIterations. But it
> increases with larger numfeatures. I use the another rating-matrix(from
> mahout official website) to experiment, everything is fine.
> So How to explain it? Can't I assign all rates are 1?

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