It sounds like you don't quite have a cold start problem. You have a
few behaviors, a few views or clicks, not zero. So you really just
need to find an approach that's quite comfortable with sparse input. A
low-rank factorization model like ALS works fine in this case, for

There's a circularity problem in thinking about solving this with
clustering: if you have not enough data to recommend to users at the
start, on what data are you clustering them before that?

I don't think you need clustering either. (Of course, you can cluster
easily from the representation you get out of something like a
low-rank factorization. It can easily be an output rather than an

As to evaluation, it a depends a little on what you mean by frequent
item sets and evaluation. You say a result is good if it occurs
frequently overall with other items the user viewed? It makes some
sense, although it sounds like you're just testing if the recommender
does exactly what a item-similarity-based recommender would do when
based on co-occurrence between items. That is, if that's defined as
the right answer, then save yourself the trouble and build the
recommender to give exactly that answer?

Usually you see if the model recommends back things the user actually
viewed, that were held out of the training data. This has its own
problems but presupposing a correct algorithm isn't one of them.

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