The feature vectors? rows of X and Y? no, they definitely should not be
normalized. It will change the approximation you so carefully built quite a

As you say U and V are orthornormal in the SVD. But you still multiply all
of them together with Sigma when making recs. (Or you embed Sigma in U and
V.)  So yes the singular values are used; they give proper weights to

You can think of X and Y as being like that, with Sigma mixed in in some
arbitrary way. Normalizing it would not be valid.

On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 6:07 PM, Koobas <> wrote:

> In ALS the coincidence matrix is approximated by XY',
> where X is user-feature, Y is item-feature.
> Now, here is the question:
> are/should the feature vectors be normalized before computing
> recommendations?
> Now, what happens in the case of SVD?
> The vectors are normal by definition.
> Are singular values used at all, or just left and right singular vectors?

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