On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 12:22 AM, Parimi Rohit <rohit.par...@gmail.com>wrote:

> 1. Do we have to follow this setting, to compare algorithms? Can't we
> report the parameter combination for which we get highest mean average
> precision for the test data, when trained on the train set, with out any
> validation set.

As Ted alludes to this would overfit. Think of it as two learning
processes. You learn model hyper-parameters like lambda, and you learn
model parameters like your matrix decomposition. So there must be two
levels of hold-out.

> 2. Do we have to tune the "similarityclass" parameter in item-based CF? If
> so, do we compare the mean average precision values based on validation
> data, and then report the same for the test set?
Yes you are conceptually looking over the entire hyper-parameter space. If
the similarity metric is one of those, you are trying different metrics.
Grid search, just brute-force trying combinations, works for 1-2
hyper-parameters. Otherwise I'd try randomly choosing parameters, really,
or else it will take way too long to explore. You try to pick
hyper-parameters 'nearer' to those that have yielded better scores.

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