You need to have 'curl' installed, as the error message tells.


On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 2:37 PM, Darius Miliauskas <> wrote:

> Dear All,
> I tried to run Reuters Example on my Windows machine (Windows 7), using
> Cygwin, but got the following error:
> DARIUS@DARIUS-PC /usr/local/mahout/examples/bin
> $ ./
> Please select a number to choose the corresponding clustering algorithm
> 1. kmeans clustering
> 2. fuzzykmeans clustering
> 3. dirichlet clustering
> 4. lda clustering
> 5. minhash clustering
> Enter your choice : 2
> ok. You chose 2 and we'll use fuzzykmeans Clustering
> creating work directory at /tmp/mahout-work-DARIUS
> Downloading Reuters-21578
> ./ line 80: curl: command not found
> Failed to download reuters
> How can I solve this problem?
> Best,
> Darius

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