Yeah that's the version that's bundled with 4.x. 5.x has basically 0.8
plus patches to work on MR2.

Mahout is not really something you have to install. Even though it
does get packaged and dumped onto the cluster nodes. Just use it
against your cluster -- it can be from a machine that isn't part of
the cluster.

The issue is just version compatibility. For CDH with classic MR1
('mapreduce' service enabled), I expect it just works. For CDH with
MR2 ('yarn' service enabled), I imagine you would have to compile
Mahout with the Hadoop 2.x profile. But beyond that I don't know of
any reason it would not just work.

On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 4:48 AM, Kevin Moulart <> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Is there a simple way to install Mahout 0.9 on a cluster running Cloudera's
> CDH 4.5 ?
> When I try what they advise on their doc (yum install mahout on my CentOS 6
> node), it wants to install mahout version 0.7+22-1.cdh4.5.0.p0.14.el6.
> Thanks in advance !
> --
> Kévin Moulart
> GSM France : +33 7 81 06 10 10
> GSM Belgique : +32 473 85 23 85
> Téléphone fixe : +32 2 771 88 45

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