Hi Manoj,

Awesome that you're willing to help.

I suggest we proceed analogously to the clustering cleanup:

The documentation are the pages listed under "Classification" in the navigation bar under mahout.apache.org

If you start working on one of the pages listed there (e.g. the Naive Bayes doc), please created jira ticket in our issue tracker with a title along the lines of "Cleaning up the documentation for Naive Bayes on the website".

Put a list of errors and corrections into the jira and I (or some other committer) will make sure to fix the website.


On 03/12/2014 09:05 AM, Manoj Awasthi wrote:
Thanks Sebastian to you and others for effort in cleaning up the website
interface. It looks much better (fonts & layout) and much more usable if I
may say.

I will be happy to volunteer for the pages under classification in whatever
ways I can. I would want to contribute specially on verifying that the
examples provided work in the form they exist on the website and will be
happy to do any corrections wherever possible.

If there is initial backlog list which provides tasks at a granular level
then it will be great OR I can start looking on the page myself.


On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 12:33 PM, Sebastian Schelter <s...@apache.org> wrote:


As you've probably noticed, I've put in a lot of effort over the last days
to kickstart cleaning up our website. I've thrown out a lot of stuff and
have been startled by the amout of outdated and incorrect information on
our website, as well as links pointing to nowhere.

I think our lack of documentation makes it superhard to use Mahout for new
people. A crucial next step is to clean up the documentation on
classification and clustering. I cannot do this alone, because I don't have
the time and I'm not so familiar with the background of the algorithms.

I need volunteers to go through all the pages under "Classification" and
"Clustering" on the website. For the algorithms, the content and claims of
the articles need to be checked, for the examples we need to make sure that
everything still works as described. It would also be great to move
articles from personal blogs to our website.

Imagine that some developer wants to try out Mahout and takes one hour for
that in the evening. She will go to our website, download Mahout, read the
description of an algorithm and try to run an example. In the current state
of the documentation, I'm afraid that most people will walk away
frustrated, because the website does not help them as it should.


PS: I will make my standpoint on whether Mahout should do a 1.0 release
depend on whether we manage to clean up and maintain our documentation.

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