On Sat, Nov 29, 2014 at 8:31 PM, 3316 Chirag Nagpal <
chiragnagpal_12...@aitpune.edu.in> wrote:

> Since Density based clustering algorithms, are being utilised extensively,
> especially by the GIS research groups, it is a bit sad that there isn't a
> Map Reduce implementation available..
> I think I will propose to write MapReduce code for DBSCAN and OPTICS for
> GSoC '15.
> I would like to take your input as to how much of significance would this
> be of to the community in general?

We have had proposals to add this to Mahout, but as far as I remember, no
credible requests to use it.

Also, there is the question of scalability of dbscan like algorithms.

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